Spring In To Summer
How do we go in to the summer season of our life when everyone seems to be stuck in winter Coach?
The truth is the state of the world right now has been in winter for a few years!
Overblown fear of a “flu like” “pandemic” that was over publicized and gravely mishandled on so many levels, riots and racial tensions again over publicized and a train wrecked economy! Now I am not saying covid did not exist, or the riots didn’t happen nor am I saying that our economy is not in shambles! What I am saying is thank God we were wrong about covid and we didn’t have bodies in the streets, thank God our nation as a whole didn’t fall back to a time where people judged each other by race and yes we will recover from this economic disaster that we have seen!
So how do we take this extended winter we have been in and turn it in to summer?
Mindset and actions, that is how!
Here are the steps:
1) Decide that you are responsible for you! No one is coming to rescue you, give you a free ride or anything else. It is you that has to step up and be the best employee, business person, parent, spouse etc!
2) Stop making excuses! The old I will do “x” when “y” is over is nothing more than an excuse. When you take action that is where change begins! You want to be more successful become more innovative, waiting for gas to go down to begin a business or new job isn’t the way to do it. Finding ways to grow in a down economy is!
3) Become the person who understands equality is the right to not be harmed for your beliefs or your lifestyle BUT it doesn’t mean you get something for nothing, YOU are still responsible for your results! Provide value and you will grow and succeed, leach off the system and you will ultimately fail! Be the kind of person who stands for your beliefs but does not shove your beliefs down some ones throat who does not believe the same as you. As Americans we are sworn to protect each others rights to free speech, freedom to choose your religion, freedom to choose your spouse, freedom to raise your children as you see fit ( as long as you are not harming them), to choose your own career and ultimately choose our level of success. Simply put I will defend your right to your opinion and your right to speak it as long as you do the same for me! Other than that each of us are on our own to create as much or as little wealth as we choose with out taking from the successful and giving to the lazy. You are not entitled to someone else’s success you are just entitled to be able to make your own opportunity and live you life as you choose and accepting the outcome from your actions or inactions.
4) Lead by example. Want to promote success, show success. When people see success and the good that comes from it they too will be inspired to use their freedom of choice to model that success or choose to stay where they are.
5) Make sure your actions are in line with your morals and beliefs. Don’t ever conform because it is the trend or because you may offend someone by being yourself, with that said please don’t go out of your way to be hateful or hurtful to those who are different than you either!
6) Step up and take action and control of your own beliefs, your actions and innovate you life, busines, relationships, careers etc. to grow, move forward, contribute and move our communities, our country and our world to a better place where success is rewarded, communities band together and our freedom to choose is never compromised nor taken from you!
Step up today and decide it is time to move forward and stop waiting for someone else to tell you it’s ok okay to move forward.
Are you ready? Let’s do this one step at a time and get back to living amazing lives instead of walking around in fear, anger, regret and directionless!
It all begins with you and I to make it happen!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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