5 Holiday Hangover Hacks!
Here they are:
5 Holiday Hangover Hacks!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
You may already be saying why is Coach Lew talking about hangovers, right?
Truth is I am using hangover as a metaphor for avoiding getting sick over the Holidays!
I certainly am not recommending heavy drinking or drinking at all!
Why is it that so many people end up getting sick at this time of year?
There are many factors but there are a few of the major offenders that you should avoid!
Are you ready to learn the top 5 “hangover hacks” aka the stuff that gets you sick!
- 1) Excess alcohol! Alcohol is sugar! Holiday is notorious for the hag out by the spike egg nog bowl. This is a double whammy as the alcohol is acidic which has been shown to drop your immunity and then you add massive amounts of sugar to that. When your immune system is down is when the “bugs” that are around you every day take hold!
The hack… Learn to say no! If you can’t have fun without consuming alcohol maybe you should consider a different peer group that doesn’t require being drunk to tolerate them! If you still choose to have a drink keep it at a drink not drunk! Said no one the day after being drunk….I feel so good!
- 2) Sugar! Yes, sugar in other forms than the alcohol we just talked about. Sugar lowers your immune system by almost 50% when you consume a large sugary beverage from that coffee place that you all go to and get the triple mocha latte with three pumps of sugary flavor!
The hack….Eat super clean daily during the Holidays so you can have a piece of Grandmas cheesecake without slaughtering your immune system! Also remember a serving of pie is not half the pie!
- 3) I’m so tired from all the extra activities. I am quite sure it is no activity that is making you tired rather neglecting your sleep and rest time. I too have stayed up till all hours wrapping gifts only to have the kids up before dawn dragging you out of bed and then of course eating like hell all day and then feeling half dead by 4PM.
The hack….Get ahead of it! Attics, closets and friends’ houses make great stash places for kids gifts. Hire someone to wrap the gifts for you unless you really enjoy doing that, have the time and can actually make them look unlike a second grader who did the job! Set limits by saying no to social activities, parties, extra work etc. that are not top on your list. You don’t have to show up at every party nor do you have to be that person who should have gone home 2 hours ago!
- 4) I’m so stressed! This one is the icing on the cake when combined with one or more of the above!
The hack….First and foremost remind yourself this is supposed to be fun, you are supposed to have gratitude for your loved ones and that the Holidays are to be enjoyed all the way through. This is not a project, it is not obligation to put up with people you really don’t like or want to be around rather a time of year to treasure those you loved and make lasting memories!
- 5) Make your own decisions as to what your Holiday boundaries are. If you need to rest, do it! If you don’t want to eat or drink something, say no! If you want something that is not good for you just only have ¼ the amount you normally would, truth is most people overeat as a social connection not because it is so good. Do the best you can when it comes to shopping, cooking, planning and the likes. I would believe that your friends and family would rather be around the healthy happy you than the snotty, crabby and sick version. Without out sounding crude don’t subject yourself to people you do not like, want to be around or who drain you Holiday joy! Life is too short for that. It doesn’t mean be nasty or ungrateful, but you don’t wait to waste precious time on relationships that are draining. You are not obligated to invite, entertain nor waste your time with people who don’t bring you joy at this time of year! With that said that doesn’t mean minor annoyances as in any family you will have that.
- Number 6…….. What? You said 5 Coach! Yes, I did and then it came to me. The picture of the modern family lying around the house in separate areas staring at their phones. Christmas or which ever Holiday you are celebrating is meant for family, children and making memories not scrolling Facebook, Tweeting nor Tocking! Get some real family time in. It is ok to communicate with those that can’t be with you but focus on the ones who are with you!
As we go through the Holiday season it is my wish fr you that something or a couple things I said today resonate and help you to have an amazing and healthy holiday season and a prosperous New Year!
Remember there are no guarantees and don’t let this be another year where you say “well next year we will be able to enjoy this”. Too many times this ends up with an ultimate “wish I had when I had the chance”
Make this one the best Holiday season yet and by all means avoid the Holiday Hangover whether that be a hangover or a flu, just say pass on both!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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