R U Down With OPD?
Lets find out!
Are you down with OPD?
It may not be what you think!
Back in the 80’s there was a song called OPP! It was a bit controversial at the time to what the actual title meant!
The thing is I believe those of us who were raised right don’t take other people’s property BUT are we affected by OPD?
What is this OPD you speak of Coach Lew?
If you live in Orlando you could interpret it to be Orlando Police Department or maybe you have other references to what it could be!
The OPD I am talking about is “Other People’s Drama”
Ah ha! No not me you might say! Until…..it is family dinner night at the in-law’s house or time to clock in to work Monday! You know that boss is a bear if his wife was in a mood this weekend or your in-laws only invite you to dinner when they need something! (Thank God my current ones are awesome!)
You know exactly what I am talking about though!
What are the major sources of OPD?
- THE NEWS! Want to get upset, scared, depressed or lose momentum in life…Just turn on the news! The news is not the reporter of events rather a circus of sensationalism with agendas to push views, sell fear and immobilize your ability to see a better future! Like they say if it bleeds it leads! I remember when the morning news included the births of new babies and some actual positive reporting as well as the drama. Now it is just drama designed to inspire hate, unrest and a lack of motivation.
- Your friends! Are there some people you hang with just because that’s what you have always done! Worse yet are there people you don’t even like that you are around because they are just part of the group? That’s a waste of your time and energy. Surround yourself with friends that have a future paced mindset! Eliminate the toxic friendships! For example do you have a friend that is going through a break up or divorce and you are happily married but after listening to their drama suddenly your marriage must be having troubles now too? Misery loves company but so does success. Does this mean you abandon your friend in a time of need? No just don’t fall prey to the oh let’s go out and party etc. as this will take its toll on your own marriage. By making your spouse seem bad to console your friend you will start to believe it! This is not only about relationships the same applies to work, business, parenting and any other aspect of life. If you are an entrepreneur and you hang out with friends that are disgruntled employees that demonize the business owner you will end up sabotaging yourself to meet their low standards!
- Your environment! Are you putting yourself in a positive environment? Do you take a class or go to an event with your free time or go to the bar where everyone is weepy drunk and down on the world? Do you live in a place that nourishes your happiness or are you saving some bucks by living with roomies that make you miserable? That could be random roommates, friends or even family! Some people love the generations all being under one roof others it just makes them wilt!
- Yourself! What? Yes you, do you spend too much time worrying about what everyone else is doing or do you focus on what you are or are not doing? The truth is this is the biggest one even of it is number 4 on the list!
Wow this OPD thing is everywhere isn’t it?
Yes it is. Whether you choose to participate is the real question!
So yes it is everywhere, it is easy to get sucked in to but how do you prevent it from taking over your focus?
- Take a news diet! Stay away from the news for at least 30 days and see if you don’t notice a difference in your emotions
- Find a peer group that challenges you and makes you feel fulfilled and happy! Be around the people who play at the next level where you are going. Cut off the truly toxic people in your life. You are NOT obligated to anyone. This is not to say you don’t help the people up to your level of emotional mastery BUT don’t drop your level to appease anyone! This is your chance to lead!
- Set your environment to win! It is your life, your choice! You don’t have to live somewhere that is not conducive to who you are or how you want to be! There is always a solution, you are not stuck but you may have to make a plan to get there! Set your environment, your schedule and your playtime to guide you to win!
- All change starts with you! When you don’t buy in to OPD you are less affected by it. If a friend calls with the flavor of the week drama, ask them a question that can help reframe their focus and if the refuse to turn in a positive direction then politely end the call, really quite simple. Remember you are in control! You also decide who to keep close and who not too! What about family Coach Lew? I heard Tony Robbins put it so eloquently “love your family, pick your peers”. Sometimes you just need to love from a distance!
I am excited that you took the time today to discover the meaning of OPD and it is my sincere wish for you that something you heard today got you to make a decision to change some tings n your life so you can truly live that OPD free life you deserve!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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