Uptime Downtime
What is your ratio?
Have ever feel “if I could just get or take a break I could do so much better, feel better and actually grow as a person” ?
You are not alone! Today we seem to be in overwhelm more than not!
It also seems that the uptimers and the downtimers are getting to further ends of the spectrum!
There are two keys I am going to share with you today!
- It is an uptime/downtime balance that will make the difference! We need both! We need to be in that happy, motivated and productive zone to be happy and be a useful part of society! On the other side we all absolutely need our downtime to recharge, reflect and know ourself as the person we are, the person we are becoming and the person we want to be!
- It is in the state of mediocre that is the real DANGER! This is where you just exist in the “way it is” and you are neither in up or downtime. Yes I acknowledge we live in uncertain times, there is rampant and unfounded fears that we face and I agree it could be easy to ride it out or see what happens! BUT those who coast in mediocrity will settle and stay in mediocrity! Those who engae with major uptime and a great balance of downtime will exit these times of uncertainly successful and will control their emotional state through out rather than be pupated by the news media and the fear mongers who want to keep you mediocre! can you think of someone you know that is thriving right now? Can you thing of someone else who is in decile right now? Can you look around and see the masses who are stuck right now? Ask yourself what are the apparent differences?
The biggest question you should ask is…Where are you right now? What can you do now to change that? How do you want to experience life, live your life and what can you contribute to society?
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Next week we are going to discuss O.P.D…It’s not what you think!
Don’t forget HEALS is live now so you can begin to shift your health and your body to be the best ever AND do it SIMPLY!
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