HEALS The Course

Healthy Eating And Lifestyle Simplified is our flagship course where you will gain the knowledge and the ability to implement to achieve the healthiest, fittest and happiest you possible!

In this course you will gain the 8 components that make up a healthy lifestyle that is not only good for you but is fun and sustainable. Diets fail! Lifestyle lasts!

Get started today on your journey in to HEALS!

Course Information

Estimated Time: 4 weeks

Course Instructor

Coach-Lew Coach-Lew Author

One time payment


Enjoy this in depth 8 week course that will energize your body, get you to the healthy weight you desire and teach you how to do this in a way that you enjoy!  If you have taken our live seminar this is the next level for you! 


Dietary Lifestyle Simplified

Has Quiz

The “F” Word 

Come On In The Water Is……

8 Hours? Not!


Stress Kills And Excitement Thrills

Integration Day 

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