Growth In All Seasons
Growth is the key to fulfillment and fulfillment is the key to happiness, there for growth is the key to happiness!
Over the last 4 weeks we discovered that we have this thing called seasons of life!
Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane:
We talked about the winter which is the metaphor for tougher times. This is the time of year where you have to work harder on the survival side! It is colder and may feel like it will never end!
The truth is after every winter season comes spring!
Spring is the time when things begin to warm up, feel better, get easier and it is the time to plan(t) the seeds of the future.
This is a time of creation.
Then we have summer! The fun time where it is warm, easier to do the things you love. These are the times of prosperity, growth, and fun! You still tend to the plan(t)s you did in the spring but now they become more self-sufficient!
Then comes fall, the rewards are plentiful. Whether we are talking plants and crops, business rewards, career gains, relationship happiness or knowing you have raised great kids!
Remember when you are harvesting in the fall that winter will come again so be prepared by having a plan, some excess saved or stored and learn how to be a snowboarder in the winter rather than freezing to death!
There is a truth about all seasons and that is what today is about!
That is growth happens during all seasons whether you realize it or not!
Growth is the key to fulfillment and fulfillment is the key to happiness!
We are either growing or dying! There is no neutral in life! The minute you stop going forward, you are going in reverse!
This is why growth is so important!
Growth happens in all seasons especially when you are striving for it!
When its tough and you power through and innovate it makes you stronger!
When its spring like and you are planning and creating the next level you are growing, learning, and expecting better!
When you are in the summer fun of life you are growing maybe physically by being more active, emotionally be spreading happiness or spiritually by self-discovery and faith.
In the fall you are harvesting the rewards and reflecting and what went well and what can be better. You plan your next winter in a fashion of expectancy for even more growth!
My big ah..hah message for you today…… Growth is the key and when you take control of your own growth, you take control of your destiny!
It is not what happens to you, but what meaning you give it and what actions you take that makes the difference of whether you are growing or dying daily!
Each season of life has gifts in the form of growth, will you take them and run with them or find a way to be the victim no matter what!
Join me every Monday for Breakthrough with Lew to help maintain that growth!
Give me a big old heck yes if you are into growth rather than …The nasty alternative!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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