Get OUT Of The Zone!
Everyone is always saying get in the zone, why are you telling us to get out?
The buzz word of the decade has been getting in the zone!
In fitness the zone is the heart rate
The is a diet zone
In football, the end zone!
In creation there is the flow zone!
We are constantly hearing about how to get in to the “zone”
While getting in those zones can be amazing for progress there is a zone that is an absolute prison!
The comfort zone is a jail to your progress and will hold you back from the best things in life! When we get comfortable, we stop striving for more!
Many people have felt that the goal is to work hard and retire. They retire and one of two things happen, they get bored and start something new or they die!
I had an old friend who counted the days, hours, and minutes till retirement. Less than one year after retirement he was….dead!
Staying in your comfort zone will rob you of life’s real gifts!
Stepping out of your comfort zone is where all the juice of life is!
Imagine if people like Tony Robbins had followed his moms advice and became a truck driver. He would have been making a comfortable living and maybe be really good at getting deliveries done on time….Instead he jumped out of his zone and invested every last dime he had in educating himself and where is he today? He has impacted millions of peoples lives, fed countless people, saves children from slavery, and owns state of the art companies that are changing lives in huge ways!
What if he had stayed in his comfort zone?
What if I had stayed in mine?
In 2004 I owned a small car dealership and conducted auctions. I owned some rentals etc. I went to a Tony Robbins seminar and turned my whole mindset around. I had gotten fat, stressed and lost track of what was most important in life!
That weekend changed my life by making me realize that was going to be my life forever if I didn’t get out of my comfort zone!
I would not be here with you this morning if I hadn’t stepped way out of my comfort zone!
Yesterday I applied that again and what happened? Watch the video to find out!
Don’t ever let the comfort zone stop you from what you really deserve in your life!
Ask yourself today what zone are you in?
- Danger zone, where you are feeling like you are failing and have no hope.
- The comfort zone where you are content but there is no real excitement or compelling future. This is the way it is syndrome!
- The somethings gotta give zone, this is where you are burning inside, and you know you are on the edge of change!
- Breakthrough zone, this is where you are done with the comfort zone, and you are past the fear of change, and you are now in the flow of growth zone! This is where you feel alive, and you go beyond yourself in to the world of growth and contribution!
You are now in control of the choices, what are you going to do?
Stay in the doldrum of a comfort zone or are you going to go into your Breakthrough Zone where you design your greatest gift…YOUR LIFE!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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