H1 Reviewed
Why is H1 so important?
What could you do with more energy?
What if you looked in the mirror and said….Oh Yeah!
How much more could you accomplish if you were not tired all the time?
These are questions that can be answered in todays episode!
Taking small balanced steps in each area of improvement, making them habit and then building upon them is the key to success!
To really live with energy and passion you must engage the following 7 pillars of HEALS (Healthy Eating And Lifestyle Simplified)
1) Dietary lifestyle. No this is not a diet but rather a way to eat in a way the supports your bodies needs and you can enjoy it too!
2) Fitness, no matter where you are at there is always a way to take it to the next level. Strong bones, strong muscles and a strong CV system gives you the ability to not only have the opportunity to increase longevity but also quality of life
3) Proper hydration. This is so much more than 8 glasses of water per day!
4) Breathing to energize and cleanse the body!
5) Rest and sleep! These are not a luxury but rather a necessity!
6) Stress reduction and stress management! Stress will happen but it is how you can reduce the occurrence and deal with the effects that make the difference!
7) Lastly you must have these pillars in balance. You can’t just do one or two and hope the rest of them fall in to place.
In our flagship HEALS The Course program you get 30 days of deep dive implementable teaching and action steps to make this go to almost autopilot after you develop the habits!
What if you looked in the mirror and said….Oh Yeah!
How much more could you accomplish if you were not tired all the time?
These are questions that can be answered in todays episode!
Taking small balanced steps in each area of improvement, making them habit and then building upon them is the key to success!
To really live with energy and passion you must engage the following 7 pillars of HEALS (Healthy Eating And Lifestyle Simplified)
1) Dietary lifestyle. No this is not a diet but rather a way to eat in a way the supports your bodies needs and you can enjoy it too!
2) Fitness, no matter where you are at there is always a way to take it to the next level. Strong bones, strong muscles and a strong CV system gives you the ability to not only have the opportunity to increase longevity but also quality of life
3) Proper hydration. This is so much more than 8 glasses of water per day!
4) Breathing to energize and cleanse the body!
5) Rest and sleep! These are not a luxury but rather a necessity!
6) Stress reduction and stress management! Stress will happen but it is how you can reduce the occurrence and deal with the effects that make the difference!
7) Lastly you must have these pillars in balance. You can’t just do one or two and hope the rest of them fall in to place.
In our flagship HEALS The Course program you get 30 days of deep dive implementable teaching and action steps to make this go to almost autopilot after you develop the habits!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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