R U Doing?
R U Doing What You Learned?
This is key to success at anything!
Just three steps:
1) Learn what you need to know
2) Apply and take action
3) Learn from your action and grow! Then you can adjust by the outcomes and create the wisdom of success!
This formula works in all aspects of life!
Wisdom could also be known as the knowledge that puts things on autopilot!
For instance when a child touches a hot burner they learn not to do that! They don’t have to be told over and over, they don’t have to think every time they go by the stove not to do it, they simply know not to touch the burner!
The same can be said for habits! If you start drinking celery juice very morning then wait at least 15 minutes to eat, at first you will have to actively remember don’t take the coffee right away or even sip on water. After awhile you just immediately pour the celery juice and wait your 15 minutes. It is now habit and you don’t have to walk through the steps, you just DO it!
This is the formula for setting habits and succeeding!
Watch the video and get moving on some action if you haven’t already and if you have step it up to the next level!
After all it is about your life and you rare worth it aren’t you???
Just three steps:
1) Learn what you need to know
2) Apply and take action
3) Learn from your action and grow! Then you can adjust by the outcomes and create the wisdom of success!
This formula works in all aspects of life!
Wisdom could also be known as the knowledge that puts things on autopilot!
For instance when a child touches a hot burner they learn not to do that! They don’t have to be told over and over, they don’t have to think every time they go by the stove not to do it, they simply know not to touch the burner!
The same can be said for habits! If you start drinking celery juice very morning then wait at least 15 minutes to eat, at first you will have to actively remember don’t take the coffee right away or even sip on water. After awhile you just immediately pour the celery juice and wait your 15 minutes. It is now habit and you don’t have to walk through the steps, you just DO it!
This is the formula for setting habits and succeeding!
Watch the video and get moving on some action if you haven’t already and if you have step it up to the next level!
After all it is about your life and you rare worth it aren’t you???
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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