Is That All There Is?
How many time have we asked ourselves this question in life? What do you think is missing?
Is that all there is?
Have you ever hit a goal, won a game, made a certain amount of money and asked…Is that all there is?
I think we all have experienced this in life where we anticipated a win so much and when we actually got there ended up feeling empty, unfulfilled or disappointed.
Do you wonder why this is?
I believe the reason is the tradition mindset of setting goals. We are conditioned to be so focused on the end result that we forget to enjoy the journey, lose track of our purpose or why or wind up unfulfilled!
What is the real purpose of a goal? Most will say to hit the target, right? This is where we can end up hitting a goal and end up feeling unfulfilled.
How do we combat this then?
Glad you asked!
First off let’s look at a few reasons why you may hit a goal and be unfulfilled.
- Impotent goal. Maybe the goal really was too easy and there is no feeling of success from it.
- Unethical goal. If you goal made you compromise your ethics to get there or involved doing something wrong to someone to get there.
- The lack of a powerful why. If you don’t have a strong why to get there you certainly will not be fulfilled.
- You focused too much on “the what” rather than the “why and who”.
- The goal doesn’t make you grow.
So how do we design goals that work and leave you feeling fulfilled?
The transverse of the above!
Goals for growth…
- Goals that are large enough to make you grow and get you out of your comfort zone!
- Ethical goals are those that do not compromise who you are and your morals. Example would be wanting to make a million dollars be creating education programs that help kids grow up to be strong, responsible adults as opposed to dealing drugs to kids to make a million! Yes, a radical example but you get the point, right?
- A goal fueled by a strong why is a powerful tool to keep you taking action but also gives you a sense of purpose and contribution when you are done!
- Focus on the who and why of your goal. Why is it going to make you a better person, give you and better life and who will that affect?
- The goals need to make you grow! It needs to seem huge so you will feel accomplished. Realistic goals are weak, outrageous goals create legends!
Mindset of successful goals is that of a “victor” opposed to the “victim” mindset. This is not meant to dismiss those who have been victim of heinous crime or tragedy, but it does mean you have to adopt a mindset of life happens for me not to me.
The truth is we should not look at goals as an end point rather a next beginning point when we achieve them. It is what you do with the momentum, who you become and the new standards you set during the pursuit of the goal.
There is one more secret that achieving goals gives you.
What to know what it is?
I will tell you, but not right now!
What? Why not Coach?
Because I want you to attend my FREE Goal Creation And The #1 Secret Live Workshop on Thursday February 23rd at 7PM EST
I will teach you the best ways to create, set and achieve goals that matter and this life changing yet simple secret!
Isn’t it about time you lived the life you have dreamed of and deserve? I know you feel like you have tried everything before BUT now is the time to do this. We are here one time my friends, this is not a dress rehearsal and tomorrow is not guaranteed. When is now the time to take control of your life?
Register now for Goal Creation And The #1 Secret to your success!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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