Lost of your passion?
Where is the passion!
Lost Your Passion?
Are you feeling like the best is behind you?
You are not alone!
Why would anyone feel like this in a time when we have more available in the box in the pocket than any time in history?
Maybe we are being led to believe that life as we know it is over?
If you switch on the news, what do you see? Global warming, civil unrest, political hypocrisy, fear of disease, fear of basically everything!
What is the truth? The truth is meaning is what controls you! If this looks like the end, then it is! If this looks like new uncharted territory loaded with opportunity, then it is!
We see people every day roaming around like zombies, basically having lost their passion for life, their businesses, their careers, their relationships. Then you see someone who is a ray of sunshine and seems to be thriving in everything they do and say?
What is the difference? Focus is one AND even more important is passion!
I have a friend who used to be the epidemy of passion towards his business. Up early, worked late, product is top notch condition, always strategizing for new and better ways to sell and basically a master of his industry! Sometimes a royal pain to deal with BUT I always respected his mega level of passion for his business!
Lately he is just going through the motions and not even trying to strategize
or innovate any more. Worse than that I recently made a suggestion about a strategy that would really boost his company back up with very little additional effort and I was told “nah that is too much work”
For a minute I was like what the hell happened to you? Then it became blatantly clear he has lost his passion for his business! Now this doesn’t make him a bad person BUT he has fallen prey to the though process of why bother because it doesn’t matter anymore!
The death of anything great comes from the lack of passion! The birth of greatness comes from….You guessed it, massive levels of passion!
What is the biggest driver of passion? The power of Y (why)! When you have a powerful Y it is like nothing can stop you! Trust me things will come up to try to stop, especially as you approach milestones of a goal BUT your power of Y will drive you through where others without a compelling Y will quit!
What do you do if you lose your passion?
In tough times people tend to feel like they have lost their passion because they feel uncertain about the future!
As we once again have passed another September 11th we quickly go back to the fateful day that it looked like the end had begun!
The enemy looked as though they had won! We were terrified and scared! Why? Because that is what terrorism is designed to do! What they didn’t count on was that fateful day created the most united time in history in our country!
All Americans came together as one nation united under God and stood up and said “that will never happen again!”. People of all nationality, religion, political beliefs etc. all locked arms and stood together as one nation, America!
If you are old enough to remember that day and the years that followed what did we have? Certainty that we were united and a strong nation. If you could endure that kind of attack and still unite what do you get? A nation of passionate people who stood by one another.
What happened since? Factions that don’t profit from unity set the ball in motion for racial tension, religious tensions and so on! I really don’t need to go in to detail as if you wake up and look around you each day you can see the division that has been put in place!
When people get divided they lose focus on the good, the teamwork and the unity which causes passion to go down. If you start to feel like “it doesn’t matter anyways” you lose passion!
So back to my original question…. What do you do if you lose your passion!
- Cleary define what it is you want to be passionate about. Clear vision gives clear focus!
- Ask yourself 7 times why you want this! You will notice that each time you ask that it becomes more refined and for some reason (according to great coaches like Dean Graziosi) 7 times tends to be the magic number! I can attest to this as well!
- Great a plan that daily pulls you towards the goals that will re-ignite or ignite this passion!!
- Notice what you are getting from the actions you are taking and the goals you are attaining and see how your passion is growing. As your passion grows, you grow and as you grow your passion grows! It is an amazing circle rather than a destructive circle of negativity or lack luster attitude! Growth or spiral, the choice is yours!
The whole truth here is that passion comes from inside not the outside!
Are you ready to get passionate again OR if you have never really been passionate about anything are you ready to feel the ultimate high of life? The ultimate high comes from passion, not a drug, not money and not waiting for someone else to ignite it in you!
Don’t get me wrong, money, success, the right people, the right opportunities can all help accelerate your passion BUT it is within you that the passion is created and just amplified with the outside forces!
Please remember never let anyone dampen your passion, never tone down your passion to fit in AND please don’t put water on the fire of the passion of those around you!
Nothing worse than being excited and passionate just to have someone you care about shoot you down!
In the video there are lots of examples of everything you just read so make sure to watch it as many times as you like until your passion is ignited and the watch it again to take your passion to the next level!
Get your P (passion) on and get busy on the life YOU deserve!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
PS Don’t forget your Lifeboost Coffee!! Order here!
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