Is it a mountain or just a speed bump?
What is the difference between a mountain and a speed bump?
Have you ever felt like you were standing in front of a mountain and you just can’t figure out how to climb it?
On the other hand have you ever felt like something huge you were facing was nothing more than a speed bump?
What is the difference? You! More specifically your perception.
Remember a time of you would that something was in front of you and it just seemed to be overwhelming but you took it on and made it happen.
Take a second and really get back in to the feeling you had!
Once you jumped in and took action, how did you feel? Most people say something similar to “that was not as bad as I thought” or “Wow I am so glad I got to experience that because of (you fil in the blank)
The truth is the “mountain” or “speed bump” is determined by your perception of it.
I really hope this opens your eyes to why some people seem to cruise through life’s hurdles with style while others get stuck in helplessness with less challenges or tasks!
Perception and meaning are the keys to how we deal with small or large challenges and tasks!
If you feel like “this is a breeze” you will breeze through it likewise if you feel “this is a disaster” you will feel defeated. Makes sense right?
So if this seems to make so much sense then why do we still make a mountain out of a speed bump?
Here are a few reasons why:
- We lack the confidence that we are capable. When we lack confidence everything seems scary and daunting!
- Fear of the unknown. I have used this example 100 times of when an employee gets called to the bosses office and they immediately think they are in trouble or getting fired when in fact it may be something good.
- Some people like to wear their problems like a badge of courage. The get their significance from having problems. They get connection from having problems. It literally becomes an addiction because of the attention they get from having the “big” problem. The problem with this is it actually ultimately pushes people away creating a real problem for them.
- They face life with a victim mindset. A mindset of every happens “to” them as opposed to a victors mindset of everything happens “for” them.
In conclusion the truth is we all have problems large and small and it is our perception. Our confidence and our beliefs that determine what they mean to us as well as how we are going to handle them.
Would you rather go at a problem feeling like devastation is coming or say “here we go a chance to learn and grow”. Same problem, two radically different feelings and possibly a radically different outcome! Which do you want misery and pity and growth and strength?
The decision is yours on whether it is a mountain or just a speed bump. Maybe you could go one step further and make it an opportunity?
With all that said, how can you make a mountain into a speed bump in two easy questions?
Ask yourself, What does this really mean? What can be great about this after I handle the challenge?
What if you even just began today to reframe the word problem? How different would you feel if you removed the word “problem” from your vocab and replaced it with challenge?
Think about how they feel.
Problem=Heavy, dark, oppressive, loss and so on!
Challenge=New, exciting, opportunity to grow with a breakthrough at the end!
The lesson today…Choose your words wisely, choose your actions wisely and remember above all YOU decide the meaning not anyone else. It is YOU that decides if it is a mountain, a speed bump or a brand new opportunity!
Remember one option is no option, two options is a dilemma BUT when you have 3 or more options now you really have a choice.
Next time a challenge comes up try choosing option 3 and let me know how much better that works out for you!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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