Damaged not dead!
Damaged Not Dead!
Damaged not dead!
Coming off a hurricane in Florida we have seen a lot of damage in different parts of our state!
As I was out for a run on my trail after the storm and I was focused on the damage and I thought to myself is the trail dead, is it gone forever?
It looked like the trail was finished and gone! The truth was it was damaged not dead!
How about you? Do you ever feel like a part of you is gone?
Are you past your best of times?
That is death rattle!
As long as you are up and breathing YOU are not dead! The best is still in front of you unless you decide otherwise!
Truth is it is not over till you take the last breath!
But Coach I have been through (insert your own flavor of suffer) and I lost (insert your own feeling) and now I (insert your own excuse)!
You see you can see things as ended (dead) or see them as a new opportunity! What is the difference? Your perception and your determination! That is the difference!
We can all agree in life there are things that leave you feel hurt, frustrated, betrayed and defeated right?
The reality all those feelings are just that…feelings. Whose feelings? Our feelings, we own the feelings not anyone else!
So what you are saying then Coach is that we are in control of all of it? Seriously?
Yes in the long run you are! That does not justify the actions of others that we were the victim of or unforeseen circumstance BUT it does mean we are in control of the meaning we give it and the way we process it going forward!
OMG so we seriously have the ability within ourselves to heal and more important grow from any and all experiences? Yes!
This is why so many people have overcome massive tragedy to transform in to greatness while others who had it all end up living under a bridge or worst a life of mediocrity!
So the phrase damaged but not dead applies to all of us that are still alive and breathing!
Your meaning you assign to anything determines your perception which in turn affects your belief and attitude that in turn affects your actions which ultimately give you the outcome that either victimizes and paralyzes or empowers you!
It is as simply as assigning new meanings to whatever “happens” and realize life doesn’t happen to you rather life happens for you!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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