New You In 2022 Step Up!
Have you ever looked in the mirror and said “Is this all there is?”
Are you living your childhood dream or even doing better than that or do you feel like things didn’t turn out as planned, not even close!
The question is if you are not living your childhood dream, who’s dream are you living and contributing to every day?
Please don’t take this as an assumption of unhappiness as some are living a life far greater than they had ever imagined as a child! Is that you? Did you you create this amazing life or get caught up in the current and find yourself adrift somewhere between here and there?
The great news is a s long as you are breathing and alive you still have a chance!
Do you have things that need to be said and need to be heard by one or many, do you have amazing ideas that would work if you just finally stepped up and did them?
Don’t take your words, your wisdom nor your talents to the grave!
The cool part is you just have to step up and do it! Stop playing small! God or however you call your creator did not put you here to be a consumer, you are here to give something, something great!
How do I do this Coach? I am glad you asked! Watch the video and come back and do these steps and voila, begin to see you dreams become YOUR reality!
Here are the steps: (watch the video first though)
1) Decide specifically what you want (outcome)
2) Set a deadline for its achievement
3) Set a timeline of progress that must happen
4) Measure and check your successes and adjust actions as necessary
5) Make sure you have a compelling reward set up for your win as well as an equally painful punishment if you don’t succeed!
6) Remember it is better to get really close to the target than never have a target in the first place and it is who you become in the process that counts.
Don’t look in the mirror again and ask is that all the is…..
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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