Your November Bonus...The Secret To It All!
PSSST…..You Wanna Know The Secret?
Your Bonus Week On Breakthrough With Coach Lew!
Originally, I wanted to take the month of November and cover some basics of H1. We did that!
The challenge is this…We can learn and know what to do and even take some initial actions but does it last?
The answer is this, if you implement what you learned all month AND take the secret I am about to share with you as gospel….Then you will have lasting change!
This secret is so simple, so easy to understand and so effective that it seems everyone should be following through and succeeding right?
The truth is we often use goals to get something, by sometime frame we decide and then hit those goals.
What is the problem with hitting a goal?
If you stop doing the things that got you to the goal in the first place, you will backslide often time back to where you were or worse!
For example, you want to lose 10 pounds before your wedding and you eat right, exercise, stop consuming lots of alcohol etc. You lose the 10 pounds, and you are thrilled, your spouse likes the change and you hit your goal. Now you are married, and you stop doing the things that got you to the goal because the goal has been achieved. What happens? You gain the 10 back or worse and you wonder why your spouse has lost a little of the honeymoon attraction! It is not that “things change” when you get married rather you have reverted to the person that does not take the same care of yourself and this reflects not only on the scale but your self-esteem, attitude, and energy!
This teaching is not about the 10 pounds rather the retention of this big secret that makes lasting change stick.
You ready for it?
The Secret is HABITS!
Developing the habits that got you to the goal and keeping them (maybe even ramping them up more) is what will keep the 10 off, the energy up, the sparkle in your spouse’s eyes (and yours too)!
When you harness the power of habits and make them serve you there is a certain magic to the outcome in the long term.
Take away for today is when you spend the time to create and hit a goal in the shorter term why not retain the habits, learning and excitement to use to keep the momentum going forward!
This may sound simple and really it is.
Make a list of the habits that you have today that you created in the past that are serving you well now. On the flip side make a list of habits that got you short term goals that if you had retained them you would be further ahead now. Probably a good idea to reactivate these.
Lastly make a list of the habits you have that you know are holding you back and create a goal and a plan to eliminate them!
Wow, this really is simple yet impactive!
When should you begin these lists? Well New Years is coming soon, right? NO! You already know the answer to this!
When is NOW the best time to get going! When we finish here today take a few minutes for yourself and make the lists and by all means get started on the action items, here, now and today! The Secret has been revealed!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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