Summer Fun...It's coming!
Part 3 of Seasons Of Life…..Summer!!
Welcome back my friends today three of the seasons of life, summer fun is coming!
In the past couple of weeks, we have learned about winter season, spring season and now we are going to learn about the summer season!
Summer is all about being active physically, emotionally, in your life, success and fulfillment.
Remember it is you that determines how you feel and respond to external factors. I know you are probably tired of hearing it from me, but I am going to say it until you apply it “it is not what happens to us rather how we respond and what we do with it that gives it our personal meaning”. In the video we talked about how two different people can experience the same situation and come across with two totally different meanings. In the example of Les Brown versus the guy under the bridge, Les took his disadvantages and turned them into his advantages as opposed to the dude under the bridge who took his disadvantages and turned them into his excuses. Ask yourself who do you want to be, what disadvantages have empowered you in the past and how can you use them for your future?
Here are the steps for you to take into your summer season to make it great for you!
Making the most of your summer season:
1) Recognize summer is a gift!
2) Decide what are you going to use this time for when things are easier, more fun and you have more prosperity, don’t piss it away put it to use
3) Make sure to enjoy fully the ability to play a little too!
4) Continue to water the plants that were just seeds in the spring so you can harvest in the fall!
5) Go the extra mile because you can become stronger and get ahead of the game as we all know that fall will arrive and after that another winter will come. The further ahead you are when winter arrives the easier the winter will be. Imagine if you live in New York and because you planted right, watered, and tended in the summer and harvested in the fall you are able to take a two-month vacation in the tropics during the winter, how different life will be then if you are stuck to fight out the winter
I know we use a lot of analogies here but that is to get the point across to you that the seasons will change but you can determine how you go through those seasons of life.
Remember don’t be the person who gripes all winter about the cold, all spring because of the rain, all summer because of the heat and all fall because the leaves fall off! Be the person who brings a little (or a lot) of summer to all the seasons and to your family, community and the world!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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