Take On Time
Take On Time
What is your take on time?
Is time on your side or are you always fighting the clock?
Do you use your time wisely or does time use you like a dog toy?
Is it time for a change?
So many people running around saying of I only had more hours in the day! The truth is we all have the same exact amount of time regardless of where you live, how much money you do or do not have, what nationality you are, whether you have no kids or 5 kids, spouse, or no spouse!
The only thing that is equal in this work is time! Most people will argue that one with me and they all have some pretty cool arguments as to why they have “less time” that the next person!
The truth is that there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day no matter who you are!
How much time and how productive your time is perception that you have!
Have you ever known someone who is single, has one job, no kids and they are always stressed about time, they are always late and say there is too much to do? Have you also known someone who works two jobs, is raising multiple children and maybe taking care of others on top of it and they seem to be so productive and always seem to have time for what is important to them?
What is the difference? The stressed person perceives that there is never enough time and they do not find ways to manage they time they have, they are looking at they’re to do’s rather than their outcome!
The person who seems to “have s much on their plate” and breezes through it all and has time for themselves on top of it are those people who focus on the outcome!
When you focus on what is truly important and set a plan in motion that gets you to the outcome you will be happier and more productive!
You must watch your self-talk when it comes to time. As we said before the ability to be productive with out massive stress is to perceive that you have ample time and have a focus that is outcome based.
Say for instance your real outcome for the week is to make $1000 and when you break that down to each workday that is make $200 per day. So, to make $200 per day you have a specific to do list of calls, meetings etc. What happens of you come in on Monday and make your first big sale of the week and make $1000, do you still mechanically go through your to do’s for the next 4 days? Would you still need “to do” all that or could you now focus on other growth areas?
My point here is the person who would still be focused on the to do list will undoubtedly be stressed because the see the mountain of work to be done rather than focus on the fact the outcome has already occurred.
When are you going to realize that the truth is not that you don’t have enough time or that no one actually has more time than you do?
You realize this when you decide that you are going to set your sites on outcomes of what you really want!
We unfortunately have been programmed that if we don’t appear to be busy that we are considered to be non-productive. Truth is results not activity are the true measurement of value! Remember results are not always what you planned for either and that is where the concept of learning and growth come in.
You can be busy but not productive, busy, and never learn or you can manage your time and focus on outcome, learning and growth which makes you even more productive in the long run.
This concept of time is one that requires attention, work, experimentation, and the willingness to fall on your face and get back up again rather than hide behind a mask of “busy”
This is in no way to be interpreted as it’s ok to be lazy, it is an invitation to stop finding ways to be so busy and redirect that energy in to results!
Today is just a primer to get you to focus on results rather than busy work!
If you need help with this complex concept, please reach out to me for some coaching to get you from busy to done!
So, what does “take on time” mean to you?
Is it a fight?
Is it the concept of taking on more time for what is important?
Is it simply your “take” on time that is now more flexible because you can focus on outcomes that move the needle in your life, finances, family, business rather than focusing on the time burglars of daily distraction. Distractions like the news, social media, tv, substances and other nonproductive time wasters take you off focus of what is truly important. That truly important is you real outcomes that make a difference!
My challenge to you for the next week:
Define an outcome that you are committed to.
Say no to just one or two things each day that are not taking you towards that outcome.
Take that extra time from saying no to time burglars and focus it specifically on that outcome.
Trust me that you will begin to love this for of time management and start to make it a habit!
Make time your friend not your enemy.
When is now the time to create “more time” for what is most important!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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