Plan B
Plan B, it’s not what you think!
Did you ever hear growing up…. You better have a plan B in case x,y,z doesn’t work out!
That was a dream killing load of crap we were taught as kids.
How many parents told their kid, you are a great writer but ya know there are a lot of starving artists out there. Get a good job in case that writing career doesn’t work! I wonder if Steven King would have been who he is if he just worked a “regular job” or maybe Sly Stallone?
Now I am not saying blindly follow the idea of sit on your butt and manifest and it will just happen!
The plan B I am talking about is not the “if you fail plan B” it is when you are going along in life and something comes up to have a plan for the challenges in life, business, relationships etc.
Plan B is not an out rather a tool to get you through the challenges that will come up.
Here are some examples:
You open a sit-down restaurant and covid hits
Bad example of a plan b is taken loans to keep the bills paid while you are closed or just go out of business!
Good example pf a plan b to innovate to curb side or delivery.
The truth is you must “B” prepared for challenges and possible changes that can affect you.
My message for you today is never let anyone or anything put out the fire of your dreams and aspirations. Don’t listen to the naysayers who say “that’s great but ya better have a plan B in case it don’t work out for you”
A naysayer has a plan B like get a good steady job with some benefits. The winner says I am all in for my dream and realizes there are many plan B’s called innovation!
Innovation plays in when things don’t go as planned and you need to innovate your actions.
When things don’t go your way innovate to make them go your way!
It is Monday and you are in control of this week, what are you going to do to make this week one you will remember for the rest of your life?
Opportunity is all around you, go seize it!
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My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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