After fear comes......
Freedom Baby!
Beyond FEAR is…… FREEDOM!
Have you ever feared something and then just stepped-up stared fear in the faced and took the plunge only to find out the immediate feeling was overwhelming freedom?
This is what I want to talk to you about today!
Remember last week we discussed how fear kept you putting things off which is the kiss of death to your dreams and success?
We broke through fear in two ways, the first being a physical power move to turn on your confidence and the second was to make a move (take an action) in life to set the cause set in motion to what you really want!
Having the power of the two moves allows you to face fear head on and take action!
Remember courage is not the absence of fear, courage in taking action in the face of fear!
Now does taking action alone guarantee success? Not always but it does guarantee that you will either be headed towards your success or quickly find out that you need to take a new approach to get there, which leads to learning and when you learn there are no failures. The only real failure is not learning from mistakes or worse yet never trying at all!!
We know we need to face fear with action, makes both moves and that courage is action even in the face of fear, right?
What comes after all this action?
When you finally breakthrough the fear and your actions have propelled you to success or a greater level of learning then comes that freedom!
How so Coach? Glad you asked!
When you finally step up like in the example of the bully you free yourself of all the perceived fear you become free! Free of the perceived outcome you had before!
Let’s have another example; Have you ever be talked in to going on a ride at the amusement park, like the biggest rollercoaster? You envision dying as you fall off and all that craziness! Then the time comes when you get on the ride, the bar goes down and it is too late to turn back. You are saying words that would make a sailor bush and off you go! The first hill is terrifying (or at least until you actually start to go down it). Isn’t it strange the most terrifying part is the clicking up the first hill and once you drop OMG, this is so awesome, let’s do it again!
What, do it again? Yes, because that freed you from the overwhelming stopping block of fear.
This is what happens in so many areas of our lives. Whether it be applying for a job, asking for a date, a first kiss, public speaking, playing a gig or yes even riding a roller coaster. All the freedom, all the juice of life, all the growth and your goals live on the other side of the fear of the first (xyz). Once you make the first move it is a cause set in motion and you will either be free and succeed or have a learning and growth situation, either way when you face fear you never come out the other side the same! The only way you lose is when you let fear win, the only way fear wins is when it stops you from taking action!
Are you ready to face the fear, make the moves and be free?
Just do it already!
- Decide what you want
- Make a plan
- Make your moves
- Take action
- Celebrate your win or take the next action if needed!
Yes! 5 steps to success!
Quick H1 tips for you….
Diets equal stress and stress lowers your immune system.
Healthy lifestyle equals freedom because you just live it rather than DIEt!
Developing a healthy lifestyle that goes on autopilot is 10x better than stressing over a fad diet! Again, learn what to do, make it simple and DO it!
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My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Ps If you missed last weeks show, catch the replay here so you will be all caught up Are you paralyzed by fear? – Accelerate Life University (
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