Paralyzed By Fear? We Have The Cure!
paralyzed by fear?
Paralyzed by fear? We have the cure!
Are you holding yourself back because you are fearful of (insert your excuse)?
Do you find yourself saying “ I am going to wait to (insert your excuse) until over before I (insert your desire)” This is the kiss of death to your dreams and your success!
No one could blame you for having fear of your future or your kids future as we have been through some unprecedented times in the past few years!
You are not alone! People everywhere are walking around in fear! Some crippling fear and others a low-level nagging fear of excess uncertainty!
You may be dealing with inflation issues, political unrest, illness, personal relationships, job uncertainty and so forth!
Fear cripples us by putting our progress in a state of paralysis by creating an environment of protection rather than growth!
The truth is if you are fearful, you will always have a reason why you can’t or have to wait until…
What is the cure for all this fear? Courage is the cure!
Courage is not being fearless rather the ability to face fear head on and take action!
Fear is a natural response of protection that our brain uses to protect us from danger. The reality is our brain can not decipher real danger from perceived danger!
Courage is facing the fear, taking action, and moving forward regardless. Making a move is what takes you forward and breaks the pattern of fear-based paralysis!
When you take action, and it moves you forward you then begin momentum towards success and confidence. On the other hand, if you make a move and it is not the right one you will quickly learn what is not working and then take a modified action until you get it right! The key word here is learn, the truth is if you learn and grow there are really no mistakes rather learning experiences!
The only way fear wins is if you take no action!
Want to move forward and get past fear?
There are two moves I will teach you today!
1) Physical power move! The physical power move is where you develop a specific move you make while in a peak state of emotion, over and over till you are conditioned to that state whenever you make that move! Watch the video again as I walk you through the process. This activates your courage and confidence which then allows you to take action!
2) The move you have needed or wanted to make in life! This one requires a decision, a plan of action and yes…taking the first action step here, now, today towards its achievement!
Watch the video as many times as you need to walk through the process!
You can also reach out to me if you need personalized coaching as these can be big steps and you do not want to become overwhelmed and lose momentum!
Also join me for a free webinar Tuesday October 1st Three Ways to Bulletproof Your Health For The Holidays!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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