What is your Y?
How does your “Y” affect your whole life?
What is your “Y”
Do you ever wonder why sometimes some people go so far over the call of duty while others scrape by at the bare minimum?
Maybe just maybe you have done this too?
Whether you give your all or do just enough to get by has everything to do with your why!
What does this mean?
What is this magical “y”. It is purpose and reason!
Let’s see an example!
Say you are always late for work. Maybe you really don’t like being there and you have a spouse that makes a great living so you are not really worried about what would happen if you lost that job.
Now let’s look at it from a different angle. You have 3 kids, you just lost your spouse and your children eating and keeping a roof over their heads depends on you doing your best and keeping this job, would you be on time and have a whole different attitude about the job in this case? Of course, you would because of a powerful “why”.
Same with a phone call at 3AM. Let’s say you have an ad on offer up and some idiot calls at 3AM to offer you half what you have it advertised for, are you going to get up and meet them? Probably not!
What if the phone rings at 3AM and it is one of your kids and they are sick at a sleep over and need to come home, are you going to get up and go get them? I would hope so! See the reason why seriously affects you level of action you are willing to take!
Would you run through a glass window? If someone was chasing, you with a gun and that was the only way out…sure you would. Would you run through a glass window to take the garbage out, no!
I know these are radical examples, but I want to stress the importance of the power of why.
When you tap into the power of “y” and figure out how to attach it to anything you need to take action on this is when you ramp up the fuel to get things done and done well!
Through history the great names that you hear again and again had powerful whys!
What is your most powerful why?
Would you like to do a quick exercise to discover it?
Here is how it goes:
- Ask yourself what is most important to me in_________. This can be life, family, business, relationship etc.
- Ask yourself why is this important…7 times, each time building upon the last answer. Something magical comes from this on th e7th time you usually get the best answer! This is something I learned from Dean Graziosi and it seems to really work! The truth is when you repeatedly ask yourself a s series of questions with a full expectation of an answer your brain has no choice but to deliver.
- Once you have that powerful “Y” put it to work for you! Use it to drive you to excellence because let’s face it..Good is not good enough!
The cool thing is these 3 steps can be used over and over again in every area of your life!
My job as your coach is to make things simple! Yes, simplicity is key to making anything work smoothly and seamlessly!
You certainly do not want any more complications than we already have in today’s society!
The more you can simplify, the more you can put on autopilot and the more you understand your power of why, the better, faster and easier your progress will be!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round!
Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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Ps If you missed last weeks show, catch the replay here so you will be all caught up Are you paralyzed by fear? – Accelerate Life University (xlr8life.com)
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