Breaking Bad Habits
Break BAD habits for good this time!
Last week we talked about developing habits!
What new habit or habits did you install?
Did you do the exercise??
If not go back to the replay and do this…it is the key to all success! Click here for last weeks show!
Now we left off with the question of what about the bad habits?
First off let’s define what a bad habit is…
What a bad habit isn’t is an occasion derail form your normal habits, in example when you have a zag meal…unless you do it all the time!
Now that we know what it is not, what is a bad habit?
- Something you do on a regular basis that stops you from succeeding or sabotages the successes and progress you make
- It is something you can change, and you are in control of the change
- It is something you rationalize or can blame someone else
- You are aware of the habit, the damage it does, and you have failed to take action to stop it.
Don’t forget not all habits are “BAD” but sometimes neutral habits hold you back as well!
How do we destroy a bad habit?
Glad you asked because I will explain it to you and then teach you how to eliminate it!
Make sure to write this down as you do the exercise, so you have it for future reference!
- Identify the habit. What is it exactly?
- Stop minimizing it, call it what it really is. Make it have impact!
- Ask yourself what kind of person does this shit? Are you that person?
- Write down everything you have lost because of that habit and who you have hurt by it!
- Decide that you are not that person, and that habit is not you!
- Commit to changing NOW
- Write down the new habit you will replace it with
- Write down who do you have to become to live the new habit!
- Write down what you will gain and what good you will do by your loved ones!
Isn’t today as good as any to start building habits that will give you an amazing life that you can share?
It is all in the habits, so let’s go to work on this and make the change, when? NOW!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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