Decisions and Habits Matter!
Great things do not happen by accident!
Have you ever done something and had someone say, “YOU ALWAYS DO THAT!” or why is it so easy for you to (Fill in the blank!)
Those are habits!
Habits can be positive, negative or neutral!
Do you have positive habits? How about negative ones? What about the neutral ones that are robbing your time but no helping you progress and really are not hurting you a lot either?
In my opinion habits can be the number one key to success! Why because for all success you must take calculated actions, these actions come from habits!
How do your habits affect your life currently?
We have all three types of habits. The question is what is the ratio of positive, negative and “neutral” habits? We will always have all three, but it is the ratio and our beliefs about them that makes the difference!
Why are habits so important?
1) They help you to set up for the win
2) They teach you how to follow through even when you don’t feel like it!
3) They become part of you and shape you to become the kind of person you need to be to succeed!
4) After a while they go on autopilot and just become part of who you are or how you do “YOUR day”
How do you develop winning habits?
1) Decide exactly what you want as an outcome
2) Write down who you must become to accomplish that, yes this comes before the next step which is….
3) What are the actions you must take on a regular basis to become that person and set that habit?
4) Design a plan that includes specific actions and times that will build into the habit.
5) Methodically practice this habit for 30-90 days until it truly becomes habit!
How will you know if you installed a sustained habit? When it just becomes part of who you are and what you do aka autopilot!
What about negative habits?
Negative habits are those that are directly or indirectly stopping us from achieving what we want or those habits which “drain” rather than energize!
Want to know how to get rid of negative habits?
Tune in to next week’s show and we will learn how to Breakthrough them!
For this week pick one or two habits you must create to take you to YOUR next level!
Then put that habit decision through the steps above and implement them!
Think of it this way….If you install one new positive habit every week at the end of one year you could have 52 new habits! How different will your life be in a year if you actually follow through and do this?
If you can see it and you want it, there is one way to have it! Just start creating the habits today, follow through daily and enjoy the rewards!
What are you waiting for? Need coaching? Reach out and get on track with Coach Lew with personal coaching!
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My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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