Love, love, love is all you need, or is it?
Can we survive on just love? Can we survive without it?
Welcome back my friends!
If you ask a young couple in love if they can survive on love alone, they may say yes!
If you ask a pediatric doctor in the hospital if a newborn can survive without love the answer is most likely no! There is a very sad reality that a newborn must have love and contact or the will likely die of failure to thrive syndrome!!
So this whole love thing seems pretty important right! Yes!
Some people:
1) Experience the deepest love of being “in love”
2) Get to feel love as in the love for a family member or pet.
3) Get to feel a base level of connection as in being part of a community
Which of those three do you think you need? All of them!
The key is human beings are capable of loving more than one person or thing at one time. For instance you can love your spouse or sig other, your kids, your family, your friends and heck even your neighbor (just don’t get caught!). Just kidding on the neighbor thing! But seriously we have this expansive love capability that can occur simultaneously. The key is there are different types of love. Thank God! You certainly don’t love your kids, grandma nor your pet the same way you love your spouse or sig other! At least you better not or there is a serious problem there!
The best way to feel love is to give love! This is not dependent upon someone loving you back, acting or doing anything in a particular way nor is it dependent on you ever losing your identity “just for love”! This is so important as most people run around trying to earn love! WTF? You earn a wage not have to earn love! This is ensured by giving love because when you give love, you feel love! What a concept!
Love is not a trade off or a score card, that is prostitution at its purest of you only give love when you get something in return! Sounds funny but damn straight true!
Have you ever noticed that almost every religion or spiritual practice is based on……LOVE! Hmmm, something to think about!
I have 6 things that can help you to feel love at any given time no matter what! Would you like to know them?
Of course you do! So here are the 6 keys to feel LOVE!
How to feel love
Appreciate and love yourself first, you cannot truly love anyone or anything else at a high level until you love YOU!
Appreciate others for who and where they are. You cannot love an image of what you can make them! Just because you care for someone does not mean they will change nor does it obligate you to be imprisoned by them just for love. With that said when you learn to love and appreciate you find that love takes many different forms and may even change forms over time.
Understand the difference between love, in love and unconditional love!
Create a mantra or such for yourself that the only thing you need to feel love is give love and you will never feel unloved again.
Fall in love with life itself, the good, the bad and the ugly because it beats the dirt nap, even on a bad day! We are here one time so make it great! Heaven is going to be amazing but I am not in a hurry to get there!
Do an emotional flood anytime you want or need to feel love!
Now you have homework!
Try this and report back to me!
- Every person you encounter
today, think as you approach them “I love you” yes even the ones
you think are a-holes! Doesn’t mean you become a doormat or blind to the
fact that not everyone is worthy of your love but this is an exercise for
you to learn to feel love without needing it from an external source! Try
it and see how it works! - Do an emotional flood first
thing in the morning for 10 days and see how you feel? If it works (and I
know it will ) feel free to continue for oh let’s say forever?
Make sure to watch the entire video and give yourself the gift of LOVE!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and
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