Who Owns Your Finances?
Bet you think you do, right? Let’s find out!
Depending on your situation… you may own your finances or maybe the bank, the government or others truly own them!
Many times people say to me Coach Lew, I have 10K in the bank and I feel more secure! I the ask how much do you owe in credit card and other debt? If that is like $30K then you are truly minus $20K in net worth! Not a good place to be!
Wealth is a psychological and reality game!
Many times people say to me Coach Lew, I have 10K in the bank and I feel more secure! I the ask how much do you owe in credit card and other debt? If that is like $30K then you are truly minus $20K in net worth! Not a good place to be!
Wealth is a psychological and reality game!
You may feel wealthy and be broke on paper, you may feel broke when in fact you are wealthy on paper, you may be broke and feel broke or you may be wealthy and feel wealthy!
Each of those serves certain needs for each person!
It is when you combine the reality with the desired emotion that you can be truly wealthy by true definition!
I could go on for days on this but in the video there are great examples of this and how to streamline the two!
I could go on for days on this but in the video there are great examples of this and how to streamline the two!
As promised here is an outline of the plan to get control of your finances.
1) Get blatantly honest about where you are now. Take inventory of you assets, your debt and your feelings about it!
2) Define exactly where you want to be. Specifically to a “T”!
3) Design a MAP of how to get there along with mile marker(touch points, mini goals) along the way to make sure you are on track or preferably ahead of the game.
4) take massive action to create the income that will support the lifestyle you want while simultaneously allowing you to take consistent action to invest and save wealth. Remember massive action to create and consistent action to save and grow!
5) Make this fun! If you mess up, learn, grow and get right back in the game!
Ok! You have it, now use it! Let’s get to work!
Coach Lew Inner Circle is coming in October!
There will be a live link here for you to sign up for the first live meeting free so you can see what having a dedicated Coach and a community around you can do for YOU!
In the meantime order your LifeBoost Coffee right here!!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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