Own Your Health
Who owns your health?
Is it the government, your doctor, the W.H.O. or anyone else? No! Truth is you own your health!
You may say that you have a condition you cannot control, it was not a lifestyle choice that created etc. That may be true BUT what you do in the face of it still makes a difference! There are always situations with your health that you may not have created, however the true is almost 90% of disease IS lifestyle related and the other 10% lifestyle can help to combat the effects!
First thing you will want to do is take responsibility for where you are, good, bad or indifferent! REalize that either your choices have led you to where you are or are not letting you HEAL
We all really at a gut level know what is good or bad for us, right? Why then do some people continue making the wrong choices and wonder why things do not get better and most times get worse?
Two things:
- Lack of motivation (Powerful why)
- Lack of knowledge (truly they do not know the good from the bad)
Both can be combatted by taking action and self education! The resources are everywhere, you just need to find them, try them, see what works and do more of it. Conversely when you see what does not work or works against you stop doing it r do way less of it! It really is simple! I did not say easy but yes it is really simple when you have the desire, the motivation and you take the actions! Nothing works without action!
In the video or on the audio we delve in to:
- Low fat diets haunting us from the past
- Cooked VS Raw
- The truth about exercise
- Hormetic stressor (Heat and Cold Therapy)
- Stress reduction and stress relief
- Using the Compared To What Model
You could spend countless hours or even years of your life figuring out this puzzle! Everywhere you look today there is some kind of “miracle pill” in your news feed! Do some work? Yes! How do you figure this all out as most “miracle pills” are BS.
Years ago I made some major transitions in my health and healthy lifestyle that really worked!
Out of that journey I developed a course called HEALS (Healthy Eating And Lifestyle Simplified).
HEALS is a 30 day course to get you on track with YOUR healthy lifestyle. It is not a DIEt, rather a system to design a lifestyle that gives you the results you want, is easy to implement AND is enjoyable! Let’s face it….You won’t stick with it if you have no pleasure from it!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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