Spring Forward
You learned about it…Are you doing it?
Welcome back my friends!
All month we have discussed springing in to action to get what you want in your life!
How is that coming along for you?
Has your life show some change over the past month?
Have you noticed your decision making muscle has gotten stronger?
What about your vision for your future, is it clearer?
Did you come up with a plan?
Most importantly have you taken the action steps?
Have you even begun?
By now you should be in the measuring stage and be able to answer the questions that I have asked you! If not when would “NOW” be a good time to take action!
What I am trying to avoid is for me to bring you great knowledge and ideas and not the push to move you in to action! I am doing you a dis-service if I am not the push to get you moving!
I can almost guarantee if you are not where you could be by now with our trainings all month that there is going to be a common response to why that is!!
If you have not guessed what the number one answer is to why someone has not taken action or has only taken limited action there is one main reason.
Maybe you did everything and stalled at the starting line or maybe you started and lost momentum? There is always the possibility that I would love you hear and that is the one where you tell me you are rockin’ it and on track or ahead of the game! If that is you kudos! Keep rockin and you will still benefit from the next month of training!
For the rest of us out here who stalled, got off track or worse yet had not started, the next month is going to dispel the myth that destroys most dreams and goals!
It is a little word with a very big meaning.
TIME! Yes time is the biggest excuse ever to why we have not accomplished, followed through or even begun to take action on what really matters!
Remember when we started at the beginning of the month and you saw a clear vision of what you want and what could be and you were so excited?
Maybe you were excited and ready to go and then…Well reality set in, this stuff takes time and I just don’t have the extra time.
BS!!! That stands for belief systems by the way, not what you thought! However both words will work because a bad belief system is just that BS!
I know this time thing is a killer of dreams, a stressor of nerves and frankly seems to be an elusive commodity!
I fight the time stress all of the f’n time but I have found ways to harness time!
There is a certain truth about time I will share with you over the next few weeks that will blow your mind and your bad BS around it!
The next month could by the pivot point that changes it all!
Be ready for your journey in to time!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com
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