When is the best time?
What is stopping you?
Welcome back to Breakthrough With Lew!
When is now the time? How long do you want to wait to go after what you really want?
They say the best time to plant a tree is…10 years ago, the second-best time??? TODAY!
In May we began with the question of May I? Will you?
What we discovered is that you need to stop asking for permission and give yourself permission to succeed. No one is going to come save you!
In the following weeks we went on to discover the 5 parts to freedom.
What we discovered in the 5 parts of freedom:
- Decide that you are the one responsible for making your decisions!
- Decide you will take massive and sometimes uncomfortable action!
- Decide that you are responsible for your outcome, no more blame game!
- Review your outcomes and adjust as necessary to stay hot on the goal!
- Keep a journal of you wins, your lessons and your experiences as this will become your recipe book for your future!
We finished out May with the Memorial Day Edition of Breakthrough With Lew.
We talked about honoring those who gave all to keep us free, not by lip service but by continuing to make sure we stay free and defend everyone’s rights to free speech, freedom to worship and live as they choose! We also learned that hand outs make people weak and dependent as opposed to a hand up that helps someone grow and be self-sufficient.
Lastly, we discovered that you are writing your own memorial right now by the life you lead, the decisions you make and the example you show!
Don’t let your life be average where no one will even know you were here, make it a masterpiece that leaves a legacy forever!
Why did I spend the time today reviewing all this?
The month of May was an important representation of the Spring season of life. It is the time to begin or begin again with new distinctions, actions, and habits.
So, what will you expect for the month of June?
In June we are going to work on identifying what has stopped you in the past and what is holding you back. Then we will identify your strengths and powers that you already have!
After we discover all that, we will work on mapping out how to minimize or eliminate what has been stopping you and how to focus on what moves you forward!
Then we are going to discover the secret of how to do this seamlessly going forward to act like a magnet that pulls you toward success!
Do I have your attention now? Thought so!
This month we will also have a special guest on the show so stay tuned for details and dates!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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