The Real Secret To Success...Part 1
The Secret is…
Do you find yourself wandering through life wishing you had more or better?
Do you feel held back or like you are just not one of those “successful kind of people”?
You are not alone! It is normal to feel like there should be more, like you were meant for more and that you may have not been given the same opportunities as others.
The first two are true! There is more and you should have more!
The third is a lie! It is a lie you may have told yourself or someone close to you has told you and you chose to believe this lie! While on the outside it may look like others have or had more opportunity than you do BUT the truth is opportunity is not given rather it is taken!
What do you mean Coach? It is rare that opportunity is just handed to you. You must visualize it, seek it, and frankly create it! Most often when opportunity is just handed to someone, they will piss it away or take minimal action. When you seek it and run with it is when it becomes real!
Over the next 5 weeks we are going to dig up the real secrets to success so you can put these simple yet profound secrets to work for you to ensure your successes.
Three things to understand:
- Just because you follow through does not guarantee the exact success but if you do nothing you are guaranteed to get nothing or actually lose ground.
- Success is not reserved for the highly education, the born wealth, the lucky or the 100 other reasons you could try to disqualify yourself.
- You must be willing to dream like a child, trip and fall occasionally, take action even when it is not comfortable and reframe failure to learning instead.
With that out of the way let’s see what this exciting journey holds for you.
How about we define success? Please do the exercises as they will open your mind and doors that you need to succeed!
What is your definition of success?
Do you currently feel successful?
Do you feel like you are really putting in the effort to your success or is it just a distance wish you could be, have or do?
How do you feel when you see someone else succeeding?
Are you happy for them or jealous? Now understand if someone’s success makes you feel uncomfortable about where you are it is ok, but if it makes you resentful towards them that is unhealthy! When someone succeeds where you are not don’t feel jealous of them rather ask…what can I learn from them? What are the qualities they have developed to make them that way?
You may feel overwhelmed at first when you think of and start working on being more successful. This is perfectly normal, and you must realize that Rome was not built in a day, but they also didn’t sit around and talk about it, they took action. That action may not have always been perfect, so they learned from their “mistakes”. Success is not just a destination but rather a journey that leads to growth along the way!
What is really cool is that you are probably not the first person who is working on this particular focus of success so there are people who have carved the path already. People who can be your mentor! Now I am not saying become a follower but certainly learn from their successes and “learning experiences” aka failures to shortcut your path.
One key factor I want to share with you is that success without fulfillment is true failure.
What I mean is your purpose for success, the person you become in the pursuit pf the success and what you bring to others by your success is the real goal. Stuff goals are great but those that make you grow and able to contribute is where the real win is!
There are key components of success that we will discover each week that will help you design your success map. Here is our schedule for this series:
June 19th What is stopping you
June 26th The Green Light
July 3RD The MAP
July 10th The Secret Revealed
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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