Without H1..Nothing else matters
What is this H1 all about?
To a healthy person many things matter…To a sick person, one thing matters!
Unfortunately most people never address their true health until they become sick!
Truth is, most diseases and older age ailments are created or at best fueled by poor lifestyle choices!
Why then do we ignore the ramifications of not taking care of our heath right now? Two words, time and distance! When someone very young smokes, eats poorly or makes poor lifestyle choices they do not suffer the consequences immediately. When you ask an 18 year old about smoking the see cancer as a long way from now so it is not an immediate threat like jumping out of a plane.
It is the same when eating too much fried, sugary or processed foods. If you ate something and immediately threw up, you would not keep eating that food BUT if you know 30 years from now it will harm your health there is not feeling of immediacy!
Ok, with all that said there are two things I want to address:
- I am not a medical doctor and you should always consult with your trusted medical professional prior to making any dietary, fitness or self help changes to make sure your particular situation will be in a safe zone.
- There is not a damn thing you can do about your past choices but you certainly have control over your current and future choices. After today your eyes will be open and you will own your own responsibility for your health decisions!
- This month we are going to cover some great dietary basics, exercise, and stress. These are 3 pillars of health that can not be ignored, should not be ignored but can certainly be done in ways that benefit your overall health and frankly can be fun and satisfying!
I said it! You can not be great at anything when you do not have H1! Think about it….If you lack energy, are tired, in pain and so on are you going to be:
The best at work? Best in your business? A great parent? A great spouse or lover? All these require energy and a body that performs great to be the best at all of them.
In addition to being great at what you do there is the length and quality of life.
Ask yourself a question…Would you rather have a long life or a great quality of life? My answer is both. Can you imagine living 30 more years with amazing energy and enjoying a great life? What if you were to live a life in the hospital for the next 30 years? That is where quality comes in! It is not only ticks on the watch that matter. This is why H1 matter. If you have not figured it out yet H1 stands for Health First!!
How do you make h1 a priority and actually incorporate this concept in everyday life?
1) Make a decision today that health is your first priority
2) Become a self study. Understand there is no fad diet, 6 minute ab program or miracle pill that is going to be a one stop solution. With that said dietary changes (when done), short workouts (when done) and some supplements (when researched and actually taken) will make a difference. See if all you did was stop consuming processed foods, did a 6 minute workout and took a quality multivitamin supplement you would improve because you would actually be moving in the right direction.
The key here is the action, it is awesome to learn, know what to do but you have to do it!!
3) Develop habits that fit in to your daily lifestyle. It is great to say I am going to the gym every morning before work when you actually do it. If your gym is 45 minutes away from work and home chances are that won’t last so maybe you need to find a closer gym so you can actually continue to follow through! Same goes for food. If you are giving up processed food but the only thing close to work is McDumbles then you will really need to consider meal prepping for the week and taking your food!
I know this all sounds simple and it really is when you commit, plan, take action and create better habits.
In the coming weeks we are going to cover:
Don’t DIEt just eat
The F-word (fitness)
Thrills or kills, stress and excitement the twin forces…One twin is evil and the other an angel!
Personally I believe this is the perfect time of year to cover H1 as we are coming upon the holidays and like we discussed in the video..You don’t have to fall prey to the commy flu bug!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
The key factor to H1 is to understand you can not be as good at anything in your life when your body is not well and you lack energy!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
*I am an affiliate of LifeBoost Coffee and such I do receive a small commision if you order using my links, so please use my links as this helps support the Breakthrough With Coach Lew Show!
-Thank you from Coach Lew
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