WTF What's The best Fitness for me?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked, Why can’t I have the body I want and the energy I need?
The answer is that you have not yet made it a must!
When things are a must we do the steps necessary to accomplish them, for instance my example in the video about picking the kids up from school.
When we think we should do something the chances of success are slim to none!
Remember there are three keys to fitness as we outlined in the video:
- Decide today that you are taking action! When? Today, here and now!
- Find out what you like to do that will give you the result! If you hate running but love swimming, why in the heck would you try to run more? Now with that said it does not mean you only do one type of activity but find the ones you love and do more of those!
- Schedule it! Schedule your exercise time the same way you would anything else important in your life. Remember with out your health and fitness there is no way to be at your best for anything else in your life!
When you talk about it then it becomes an idea, when you decide it becomes real, when you schedule it then it happens!
Three important factors to figuring out your exercise preferences:
- WHAT do you enjoy that will give you the result.
- WHERE you like to do it! Indoors, outdoors, gym, water, land etc.!
- WITH, do you like group or alone, guided or self-directed, with or without equipment and so forth.
Once you find the exercises that match the criteria you will be good to go because they will serve your desires and get you moving because you actually enjoy them!
Commit today to begin today! Don’t ever leave the site of a new commitment without taking an immediate action or your chances of success will diminish by almost 90%!
Need help? Reach out for some one-on-one coaching to jumpstart you!
Make sure to get registered today for the upcoming live half day event where we will take you on a deep dive into The Introduction To HEALS (Healthy Eating And Lifestyle Simplified) or if you are ready for a 30 day deeper dive journey into all aspects of HEALS take our flagship course by clicking here!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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