You Failed!
Or did you?
Why Your New Years Resolutions Failed You!
There are several reasons why these resolutions you make on New Years day tend to fail.
To begin with I will give you a clue…Any kind of goal setting, resolution, creation or change you want cannot been accomplished by saying it one day per year and then not checking until till the next year! When we lose sight of our target you tend not to focus on in nor do what is necessary to hit it!
What are the main reasons that New Years resolutions fail?
- As you just learned one and done does not work for actually attaining a goal or outcome that you want. This is a participation sport!
- They are usually set out of an obligatory position. It is customary, your spouse wants to, your parents always did, etc! Goals are for you!
- They are generally vague in nature for example I should lose a few ponds rather than I must lose 10 pounds by March and get fit in the process. A clear outcome is a must as you really can’t hit what you can’t see.
- In most cases they are not measured regularly rather not even looked at until the following year!
- They generally lack a powerful Y (why). Without a massively compelling reason for a goal or specific outcome you may lack the drive to get through the hard parts! I will tell you when you have a goal that is lofty the will be lots of hard parts but that is what makes it worth attaining, right?
Now that we have shed some light on the truth about setting goals and outcomes, does it make sense why the tradition New Years resolution style really does not work?
Make sure to tune in live on Friday to find out how to go beyond resolutions and get highly effective in your achievement!
This is going to be huge because I will also be sharing a secret that will get this on autopilot for you! This does not mean set and forget but rather a way to condition it so some of the mechanics are effortless so you can focus on the best part…Your success!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and
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