Did your New Years Resolutions Fail You Already?
Did they fail or are do they need a jumpstart?
Welcome back my friends!
Here we are in February and…..What the heck happened to those New Years resolutions? Worse yet did you even set any intention for this year?
First off let’s take a look at what resolutions are. They are supposed to mean where you resolve to do something right? So if you truly resolved to do them, they would be done or at least in massive progress correct?
If you are in progress and on track then kudos, you are ahead of 98% of the world! For the rest of us here let’s take a look at why they didn’t last or maybe never even got started!
Let me start out by saying that this is what is going to make the difference of this being an amazing year or just like the last one!
There are thousands of excuses why you failed to set a plan, follow through or fell off the plan. I have heard them all and used many of them myself over the years!
Circling back to the concept of resolve, this is supposed to mean no other option but to follow through and succeed BUT the concept of New Years resolutions really has been developed as a “should” rather than a must!
We all frankly know what we should do but most of the time it doesn’t happen unless you make it a must.
With that said please let me know in the comments what you set out to do that you “failed” at!
Do you want to know why the resolutions failed you?
I am glad you asked!
The biggest reason I already gave you is that you felt that they were Should’s rather than musts!
Next time we are going to deep dive in to why they failed you and then we are going to explore how to turn that around!
For now I ask that you make a list of those New Year Resolutions that you made and an honest assessment of where you are with them.
Also write down why you made them in the first place.
When we meet back here for the next show you are going to discover the real reason “New Years Resolutions” fail.
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com