3 Hack To Thrive In Business

Three hacks that can help your business thrive!

How can you survive in this economic environment? Better yet let’s learn to thrive! 
Are you concerned about the future of your small business or your career?  YOU SHOULD BE!!
The old business model of work hard, do the same thing over and over again and the old adage build it and they will come is……A LIE! 
Building is not enough! You must market and sell! 
Oh no there is the “S” word again! 
Sales has adopted such a negative connotation over time that it almost feels sleezy to say the word!
The truth is that  if you have a great product or service and you do not sell it to the customer or client that can use it, needs it and wants it, you are cheating them!!
Yes, I said it! You are cheating them out of what they want and need if you do not get them to buy it!
Wow! Whole new view of “selling” huh?
I have three hacks we cover more in depth in the video:
  1. Delegate tasks that can be done cheaper than what you time is worth. Who not how
  2. Processes and routines to accomplish what needs to be done seamlessly to free up your time to work on the business not in it so much
  3. Become a gladiator. Be fearless in your mission to bring your product or service to the people who need it the most. Do not be timid or quiet about what you do.
Sell your customer what they want and deliver to them what they need. For example if you are a social media pro you are going to sell them on freeing up time and you are going to give them an amazing social media strategy! They are not interested in the metrics or tech jargon they are interested in saving time so that is what you sell them on!
Take one action today on each of these 3 and commit to continued action in these  areas for a 90 day sprint and see the changes you can make!
Click here to get the best damn coffee in the world! LifeBoost is organic, mycotoxin free, sustainably sourced from worldwide family farms and best of all tastes great! (Of course it tastes great because you all know I am a coffee snob!) With that said I am an affiliate and do receive a small commission when you use my link so please do!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round!  Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get! 
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew 
Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com
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The above links are based on my recommendations to bring you the best possible products in my opinion. 

I am an affiliate of each of these companies which means that I do receive a small commision when you purchase from them with my links. So please remember to use my links through the site of you order anything as this helps to support the show! 

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Small Biz Talk With Lew 

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Coach Lew After Dark

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