Welcome back my friends to Breakthrough with Lew today. We are going to talk about appreciation.
On Monday, we spoke about measuring along your journey to your goals to ensure that you were on track to win.
As a review, the first step in setting any goal, or deciding on any outcome is the idea.
The second step is creating a map or GPS to get there.
The third step is taking massive action by using your map (massive action plan) or your GPS (guidance proven system) to guide you to your outcome.
The fourth step as we discussed, was measuring your progress along the way to ensure you were on course as far as your timeline goes.
I want to touch on appreciation.
Maybe your parents told you when you were little if you don’t appreciate something you will lose it or if you don’t appreciate something it has no value. Whether we think our parents were right about anything else, they are certainly right about this.
Did you ever have some that you took for granted until it was gone and then you felt a serious feeling of loss?
Worse yet have you ever attend to go and said “is that all there is?“ This is where appreciation comes into play
Truth goals are usually things and the outcome from the goal is usually a feeling or emotion. Would it be safe to say that it is truly the outcome that the goal gives us rather than the goal itself that gives you the fulfillment.
Success without fulfillment is truly failure.
This is why appreciation is such a powerful gift. You can give yourself to make sure that you achieve not only success, but fulfillment as well.
Can you see where fulfillment is kind of like the icing on the cake? I am assuming with that statement that you were like me and your favorite part of the cake is the icing!
So how do I add this fulfillment in coach?
Do you remember when we spoke about the power of why? When You have a strong why this is when you can appreciate your outcome to the fullest.
Would you like the tool to make this come true?
Here it is:
- Ask what am I already grateful for?
- What will I learn along the way and what have I learned so far?
- Who am I doing this for?
- How will I feel when I am done?
- Who will I have become as a person?
This will turbo charge your action level and your satisfaction too!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and
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