Can I Really?
Have you ever felt that fire of passion for something and knew you could, only to shoot yourself down minutes later by saying…..
Have you ever asked?
Could I really do, have or be that? Only to shoot yourself down and say “I am just not that kind of person” or that’s for other people who (insert your own excuse)!
Truth is you can do, be or have whatever you want!
If…. You are willing to do what it takes!
Ask a little boy or girl what they want to be when they grow up and the answer is many times “A firefighter” right?
How many of your friends from grade school became one?
One or two maybe!
The ones that didn’t what were there reasons why not?
- Wasn’t really a passion
- Lacked either the capability or the motivation
- Lacked the support of family.
- Found a passion that was true to them
- Fell into a safe career with a “future”
What about the one or two who did?
Why did they actually do it?
- Was a passion deep within them
- Did the “work” to get the capability
- Had someone who said “you can do it”
- Harnessed their power of why to push through what it really takes!
Are you living that dream you had for yourself as a child or even found later in life?
Ask yourself why or why not?
If you can look in the mirror right now and say I’m living my dream Kudos!
If not would it be worth making a decision to begin that now rather than come and go in this life never living your dream?
Want to know how? Glad you asked!
Here are the steps!
- Get really clear on what and who you want to be
- Decide that you deserve to live it, truly want in in YOUR heart
- Commit that you are willing to do whatever it takes
- Make a map with a specific timeline to achieve
- Take the actions necessary
- Celebrate your freedom of choice in your own life!
Truth is my biggest passion was to be a teacher and now in my life I get to do just that!
I did not want to be like the teacher in traditional school, rather a teacher that inspired, made learning fun and created learning that leads to action and success! Boom he we are today and yes I am living my passion by what we do here!
My challenge to you is to inspire you to just do it already! You have a passion, you know it and it is your time.
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My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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