Green Light Go!
Have you ever been at the starting line, ready to go and……Stalled?
Welcome back!
Are you ready to hit your accelerator and go?
The question is do you did you say yes and mean it, or did you say yes and then think “well maybe I am not ready”? Were you excited until the thought of actually doing it shut down your excitement?
The good news is you are not alone! The bad news is unless you master this step, you will be full of good ideas, you maybe even ready to get passed what used to hold you back BUT the fear of action and change may stall you at the starting line!
To prevent the stall, we are going to discover how to give that green light a go by flooring your accelerator!
The truth is most people know what they should do but all too many “should” all over themselves and never launch!
Why, you ask? Fear! Fear is still the number one killer to success. First it was the fear of admitting where you were really, remember we got through that week 1, then it was the fear of the truth of what has been stopping you. Now we have another fear to conquer….The fear of success and possibly failure.
You see when you fail people commensurate with you, you know with the old “I get ya or me too”. Also, people seem to care more for you when you are down and out…Bullshit, they are there out of obligation! Never fall into the trap of “when something bad happens I feel loved”.
Conversely, often times when you succeed you may feel shunned. People may see “easy for you” “must be nice” and so on! This could make you feel disconnected, so you end up toning it down or sabotaging your success out of the fear of losing love, friends, or sympathy. If your friends and loved ones do not support your success then you have two options….Find another peer group or lead your current one to a higher standard!
My point here is that we fear things that may not be true at all, may be true and you learn from them or never were true in the first place.
Without dissecting fear for hours and hours let us just recognize that it is the number one reason you may not take action at the green light time!
How do we eliminate this fear of starting and the fear of success?
Glad you asked!
Here goes:
Step 1 Recognize that change, progress, and growth come with a certain level of fear or else the change you want is not truly significant. See fear as a sign that your goal is valuable!
Step 2 Remember a time you were scared to death about something and when you finally took the action found it that it was not nearly as bad as you had imagined or may have actually been an amazing experience. Embody that confidence!
Step 3 Tap into your faith, belief, and confidence that you can do it. If you approach it with an attitude that you cannot fail, rather the worst case is you learn and grow you will then shed the fear of failure. The first step is always the hardest as you have many references for.
Step 4 Take a deep breath and say out loud “it is time, now not later, I have what I need and I do not negotiate…GO!
Step 5 Use the 5 second rule! When you speak step 4, immediately take the action within 5 seconds!
Now I learned the 5 second rule from Mel Robbins and have learned to implement this with the non-negotiable rule! What this means is this, if you hem and haw and think about something your brain will negotiate you out of it! So using the 5 second rule by deciding what you are going to do and immediately counting back 5 to 1 and taking that action on 1 you do not allow the reptilian brain to negotiate you out of the action! By the way the reptilian brain is the part of our brain that is designed to protect us. The challenge is this part of the brain is the one that creates fear and will hold you back. Remember I do not negotiate, then 5,4,3,2,1 GO!
Step 6 Celebrate your wins, your learning, your growth, and yourself.
Celebrate that every time you do this you are wiring courage into your nervous system and your personality. Courage is not the absence of fear, rather harnessing the fear and taking action anyways. If you think for a second that your heroes that you have looked up to didn’t feel fear you are crazy BUT they would have never become heroes had they let the fear hold them back!
With all that said, are you ready to put your foot on the accelerator of your life and get in the race?
Now that you are really ready to go, what do you need to get to where you are going? A MAP of course!
Next week we are going to design your MAP for success!
One last thing about your green light to go…..
Yes, there is one more thing… (of course there is Coach Lew)
Permission! Whose permission do you need to take your life to the next level, to dream it, live it and do it? YOURS AND YOUR ONLY! From this point forward give yourself permission to be you, to take action and to succeed. Who cares what the people who don’t believe say? Who cares what they say you can’t do or that you are not that kind of person. Your goal, your dream your life was gifted to you by God or how ever you term your creator, given to you not anyone else.
Give yourself the permission to be your best, never wait on anyone else, especially those who are not succeeding at a level equal to or higher than you!
Remember don’t take financial advice from a broke friend, relationship advice form a friend going through a divorce or break up and most certainly never take advice from someone who doesn’t share or see your vision.
I leave you with this today, in the long run you will not eliminate the great people from your life by doing this. They will be inspired to grow with you! The people who would hold you down may fall by the wayside in the process, but you will find those were never “your people” in the first place.
Step up and green light go!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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