Your MAP or GPS
You know where you want to go, so how do you get there? Your MAP of course!
The MAP or GPS
You have discovered the truth of where you are, you have a clear vision of where you want to be, you gave yourself permission to do it….. Now what?
Now you need the MAP (Mass Action Plan) or GPS (Guidance Proven System)!
Uh oh, here we go with new acronyms again! Don’t get scared or overwhelmed as we will use these terms interchangeably and they are really quite simple. They are a plan to get you from here to there! Yes, complex sounding yet truly simple!
The reason I call it a Mass Action Plan is that while it is a MAP to guide you it requires lots of action along the way. In other words, you are not the passenger but rather the driver!
In the instance of GPS refers to the same here to there concept but is slightly or massively upgraded from a MAP because you get your GPS (Guidance Proven System) by modeling someone who has already been from here to there and has a “proven” system.
Which one is better? Well, the truth is they are both two sides to the same concept.
They are designed to work in synergy. During the process of actually going from where you are to where you want to be, you will be at times creating your own path and others looking to someone else who has been there to help shortcut the time as well as learn how to avoid some of the pitfalls!
Let me give you a quick example:
You want to reduce inflammation in your body, and you have heard that cold therapy works great for most people.
You take your first step of finding out where you are currently. Example get blood tests, talk with your health practitioner to assess what the challenges you are facing are and if you would be cleared by them to do cold therapy (cold plunge)
Next you would decide where you want to go with this course of treatment. What is your end goal? Reduce pain? Burn fat faster? Get ready for a race in a cold climate or whatever your reason may be!
You would then decide based on your health conditions, doctors’ clearance, research that it is time to begin the process! This is the permission stage!
Now comes the MAP and GPS time. How do you implement this?
Lets’ do an example:
- Decide when to begin.
- Research the best product to suit your location, needs and budget.
- Research the people who are already doing this (not listening to those who say you are crazy) (yes listening to your healthcare professional if there would be contraindications). Learn how cold, how often, when, and so forth from the people who are getting the result you want.
- Order the best set up for you!
- Plan out the time, duration and frequency that will be best for you.
- Stick to your plan while journaling your results and how you feel about it.
- Make necessary adjustments to make sure you are on track, and it is sustainable.
- Do what you say when you say you will do it! Do not negotiate with yourself nor procrastinate!
That was just one example for you and by the way I will have the links to the set up I use for the cold plunge that I have found to be very affordable and good value for the money! You can spend a whole lot more for a plunge BUT until you know for sure if it is for you long term, I certainly would start with the Ice Pod not only for the very affordable price, but it really is quite functional! You can always upgrade later if you like but frankly, I am sticking with this for now!
OK back to work!
So, in summary creating the MAP can be as easy as drawing it out on a piece of paper or your can get very intricate with graphing it on mind mapping software.
I personally love using OneNote because it allows you to draw, type, insert pictures etc!
I use Key2Success planner in conjunction with OneNote to have the best of all worlds in one place that I can access from all of my devices! Good stuff! The key to succeeding is having the ability to access your tools and your MAPs quickly and efficiently!
Let’s review the steps to creating your MAP or GPS
- Set your starting date. When would today be the best time to start?
- Write down at the beginning where you are today (In this scenario) and draw a box around it.
- At the opposite end write down where you want to be. Yes put a box around it too!
- Draw a line between the two and write below that line the time frame to achieve the goal.
- Break that timeline up into sections to represent days, weeks, months, or years according to your outcome time frame.
- Now in boxes above and below the timeline out in the action items in the appropriate timeframes to get you from here to there! Yes, this is really not that hard.
- Start taking action….Right now! Never leave the site of setting a goal or outcome without taking the first action(s) immediately!
- Below your timeline set up a progress bar that you can color in as your progress to see that you are on track in your action items and time frames! (make it cool and colourful, remember this is fun and certainly your life is important, yes?)
- Adjust as necessary if you notice you are not on track to hit your goal or outcome in your desired timeframe!
Today has been an amazing day together and this is really where the rubber meets the road! Nest week I am going to share something with you that will be mind blowing and will tie the past lessons all together!
Remember to please use my links to order your cold plunge and Key2Success planner as I am an affiliate and do receive a small commission (which helps keep the show on the air) and share this lesson with any friends you think could use these tools!
Remember I never endorse or recommend anything that is not something I would or do use and I never recommend based on being an affiliate rather I recommend the best not based on commission but rather the usefulness to you!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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You can learn more about Ice Pod here!
My suggestion is the Ice Pod 2.0 pro bundle as it will keep the water cooler so you don’t use as much ice!
Later on you may consider adding the electric chiller as well.
The Key To Success Is Planning!
Check out Key2Success for digital planning with in Onenote and other platforms!
This is an amazing tool that I personally use for planning, collaboration and creation!
Make sure to visit our other sites!

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