What is holding you back?
There are 5 main success killers that hold you back! Ready to bust through them?
You know what to do, most often you have a clue how to do it BUT what is stopping you?
The truth is that knowing and doing are treated as two different things rather than two sides to the same coin.
As we discovered last week success is not always quantified in a single way. For example, being wealthy and unhappy is not the true meaning of success nor is being happy go lucky and totally broke!
The elephant in the room is why then do you know what you want and how to get there yet you do not follow through?
Here are a few possibilities:
- FEAR! Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of being judged and the list goes on! Fear has an acronym “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Have you ever needed to face something and been stricken with fear only to find out it was not as bad as you had imagined or better yet it was a pleasurable experience? There is a reason or actually many I list fear as number one!
- Lack of belief! If I had “xyz” like “so and so” then I could succeed. This is the second biggest line of bad BS (belief system). It is easy to fall into the trap of “it takes money to make money” or “they were born with that kind of body”. There are a million and one excuses you can create, or you can spend the same energy focusing on how to maximize your strengths to grow to be “that kind of person”! Henry Ford said it well ‘If you believe you can you are right, if you believe you can’t you are right”! This is gospel my friends, without the belief you can, you will not even try. Better to try and learn than to sit back and do nothing!
- Lack of knowledge or skill! This is great because you can gain the knowledge or skill. Unless you are looking to become a brain surgeon or the like, you no longer have to wait to graduate from 2 or 4 years of school to begin. Often times you can learn in one course the years of knowledge that would have taken you years before. Technology has brough you education at accelerated levels right to your computer, your TV and your phone! Self-education allows you to compress decades of knowledge into days or weeks of immersive learning. Learning from those who have already walked the path you are about to take! I am not downplaying traditional education BUT if you can shortcut the outdated BS and learn and execute knowledge simpler, faster, and more up to date, why wouldn’t you?
- Low standards! This is huge because you get your standards not your wishes! What if you set success as your standard rather than “I wish I could be (xyz)” Like we discussed in previous shows you create your own rock bottom that you never go below and work always to make improvements to go to the next level. Weight loss is a great example. Let’s say you weigh 250 and your goal is to be 190. The day you weigh yourself at 250 is your rock bottom, never again weight! Once you get to 190 that becomes your standard so that you know will never allow your weight to go over 195 without taking immediate action to get back to your 190 (standard). You would not allow yourself to get back up to the 250 area again because you have a new standard. In other words use you rock bottom to catapult your forward and your standard to maintain your success. By the way this works in all areas of your life.
- Lack of a plan! Without a plan you are destined to fail. I have beat the airplane example to death by now, but it is true that you must have a detailed MAP or you have no clear target to hit. Always make sure to quantify specifically, create a detailed MAP and check your progress and adjust regularly. This MAP is what we will be covering next week in depth. For now, just realize without a plan you will probably fail and at best get mediocre results and mediocre is not what you are all about if you are listening to Breakthrough With Coach Lew!
Your assignment till we meet again is to pick one specific area you want to succeed in that you have been delaying because of one or more of the above reasons and run it through all five to figure out where you really are! The start creating that MAP for achievement. I know you are already saying, “wait you didn’t teach the MAP yet!”, you are correct and what I want you to do is wing it and see how much you already are capable of and then next week we will fine tune your MAP!
By the end of this series, you will have a full mastery of what it takes to succeed! Isn’t this exciting that I am able to bring you decades of “hard knocks” and traditional learning in just a few weeks?
Your success awaits you so let’s get to work and discover what has been holding you back, realize this is your “rock bottom” and what is next is life changing and amazing!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
if you missed last week’s show make sure to click here to see the replay so you have the foundation for what we are doing!
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