Harness The Power Of Fear
Fear is normal..How you treat it makes the difference!
Welcome back to Breakthrough With Coach Lew Wednesday edition!
Monday we talked about how fear can cost you in so many ways!
We then talked a little about getting control of that fear BUT what if you could actually learn to harness for good?
Monday we left off learning the first thing is to ask what the fear really means when you feel it. Is it False Evidence That Appears Real or is it a real and imminent danger that needs immediate response. Either way it is a call to action.
If it is eminent danger take immediate action and think more later but if it is the false worrisome type of fear, ask the question before reacting of what does this really mean. Then take appropriate action!
Fear and excitement have a very similar physiological response in the body. Similar to the way excitement and stress do as well. You should remember that from our episodes on stress.
Again this physiologic response to fear, excitement and stress are all physiologically similar but it is you psychological response that determines the meaning they have to you.
3 people can experience the same scenario and one gets scared, another gets stressed and yet the other may get excited! What is the difference? The meaning the assign to the situation and how they feel about it!
So how do we harness fear? I am glad you asked! This is going to build on Mondays show and training!
- When fear shows up instantly decide if it is eminent danger and if so take immediate, if in fact it is not eminent danger proceed to step 2
- Ask yourself what exactly does this mean? Ask that question with an true feeling of your brain giving you an accurate answer. Do not go in to an endless loop of what if!
- Once you decide what it means to you, ask yourself is this a fear or possibly and exciting opportunity to grow or experience something new? Only once you have your solid answer move to step 4!
- Write down what is the worst case, the probable reality and the best case.
- Ask yourself how you could mitigate the damage if you get the worst case, what could you do to anticipate and get ahead of the worst case. If in fact you get the worst case can you live with that and move on? In other words will it kill you? If you are still alive after step 5 then move to step 6 because if it is not going to kill you then it really isn’t the worst case!
- So here we are at the probable reality, this is still not the potential of harnessing fear but certainly better than the worst case. This is a point that requires you to take action and act on a solution to whatever caused the fear in the first place. By this point it hasn’t killed you so deal with it and get past the fear! This is a good solution and good really is not the kind of people we are if you are on Breakthrough With Lew so we go on to step 7!
- Turn fear in to an exciting challenge to make you grow! This is how we harness fear! Deciding that it is a call to action (that is all fear really is) that we pay attention take, ask the right questions, take a deep breath and go to work on it! You will soon find as you practice this that fear begins to turn to excitement and excitement turns to growth which then turns to a certain sense of confidence that you can and you will take on whatever comes your way!
Next time fear creeps up on you turn it into your next project challenge and use it to become the 2.0 version of you! No one likes nor should anyone have to live in fear all the time!
Taking control of fear is the first step to creating the amazing life you deserve!
The great thing is the more you practice this the better you get and the less fear you have!
If this helps you and I know it will I ask two things from you… Share Breakthrough With Coach Lew with anyone who needs this (everyone does) and teach others what you learn here to help them grow! Oh yes one more thing(of course Coach) please like, share, subscribe and comment wherever you are watching or listening so I can continue to growth this show to have an even greater impact! Have a recommendation for a guest you think would be great on here, send them my way and I will get them on!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com
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