What is the price of fear?
Truth is fear can cost you or it can save you!
What is the price of FEAR?
What does fear cost you daily, weekly, monthly and yearly?
You may ask how does fear cost me, is there a tax or something?
The cost of fear comes in many forms. Let’s review this now!
What you lose out on by not taking action in the face of fear:
- Financial losses for example you could have passed on a chance to buy Apple stock when it was cheap or you had a business idea but you were afraid to go for it and someone else did( as in the example of the clock)
- Love! Can you remember a time when you met someone or did not meet them because you were afraid to say hello and then years later you see them again or meet them and they are married but tell you they wanted to get to know you back “then”?
- How about doing something that you really want to do but you talk yourself out of it and never get to have the experience? Maybe you want to fly a helicopter but you are too scared so you pass and then never get to do it. Sky diving is a big one as most people if they don’t do it young never will for various reasons.
- Your life! What if you skip health screening and find out you have a terminal illness that could have been easily cure if only you found it a few years ago? This fear thing can really take its toll on your joy, growth and even your life!
I have heard it put that fear is False Evidence That Appears Real or Face Everything And Rise. Which is it? Do you run through life scared of everything or do you run foolishly blind in fearless mode?
Neither one is the correct answer. Fear is a warning sign that action is necessary by it’s real meaning!
Many times the False Evidence That Appears Real is the case where as fear is a sign that you need to take action and dig in to the number two human need of uncertainty. This is the fear that is good because when you breakthrough it, you grow!
A prime example is you are called to the bosses office and you fear getting fired when in fact he gives you a raise. First you were scared and wanted to just avoid the situation, then you took action and went in and faced the fear only to find out you were either right and got fired but now you know and the fear is gone or you got your raise and you feel great and more confident because you stepped up and walk in the bosses office either way!
The flip side is you are feeling fearful and that is a sign to take action and yes you had good reason to be fearful.
Example you are walking down a dark street at night and you see someone peeking around the corner at you and you make a decision to run the other way and it turns out that person was in fact looking for someone to rob or even worse.
So what is there to be learned from today’s episode.
- Fear is physiological and motion response that can paralyze your success or save your life
- Fear is a sign that you need to take action at some level.
The key tool here to controlling fear is this, When feeling fear or facing a fearful situation ask yourself this;
If I try and fail what do I really have to lose?
Would you maybe be embarrassed or is it a truly dangerous or life threatening situation. The second side to this is what lies on the other side of taking action is in fact you overcome the fear, take massive action and succeed.
Three things that can happen when you overcome a perceived fear that has been holding you back:
- You could fail and never try again which is true failure.
- You try and “fail” but you learn and grow. Truth is if you learn you did not fail.
- You try and succeed and find that your fear was way worse than actually doing it and you have become more as a person!
In closing today the “fear” of something is always worse than the actual action, occurrence or outcome. Most of the time when you breakthrough a fear you feel amazing, stronger and more able to take control in the future.
One thing all fear whether perceived or real is that this is a call that action is necessary!
When fear pops up ask yourself what does this really mean, what is the worst case and how would I deal with that or what is the best case and how would I fell when I conquer this thing called fear?
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com
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