The One Thing That Can Change It All!
In the beginning it was just all an idea or a dream!
What if Thomas Edison had not forged through failure to bring us the electric light bulb?
We would still reading by candle light at night but worse yet you certainly would not be reading this on your computer which is brought to life by the LED screen.
What if Christopher Columbus had not had an idea to come to find the new country? There was not a map or GPS for him even know there was a destination. He simply had an idea and then acted upon it.
There are countless examples of people having an idea that simply changed our world from that one idea!
What are some of the ideas you have had that may have been just an idea that you never acted on and faded away or worse yet, someone else “stole” your idea! In the video I gave you some great examples of this.
We have thousands of thoughts every day and usually some really good ideas most of which are just that, a fleeting idea!
Why don’t most ideas turn in to great creation?
The missing links are:
- Clarity
- Decision
- Lack of action
- Lack of belief
Over the next few lessons we are going to dig in to these to find out why they have stopped you in the past and how to harness them for the future!
Your ideas may be the next greatest thing that could change the world BUT if you do not get clear on them, make a decision, take action and believe you can they will die on your lips as just another idea that didn’t come to fruition!
So Coach how do I get started with not losing my decisions?
Glad you asked! Life is busy and so many times we have an idea and think “wow that would work” and 15 minutes later it is gone! You cannot remember that life changing idea to save your soul!
The key here is when you have an idea….Record it immediately!
Get it out of your head and in to writing!
What are some great ways to do this?
- You could carry around a pen and notebook all the time. This works really great like when you are in the shower. That was a joke! Now that could be good to keep next to the bed because sometimes good ideas hit you at 3AM!
- You could believe you can keep it all in your head. Nope this is not possible!
- You could voice record on your phone when an idea hits and write it down later. This is good because you can speak faster than you write but this may not be the best mode if you are in a church or a library!
- The ultimate idea capture would be to use you Key2Success planner with One Note or similar note taking app because:
- You can write it in immediately on multiple devices
- You can add voice recording, pictures, diagrams etc
- You can make it in to a project that can be edited, diagrammed and accessed on all your devices and even shared with a loved one or your team! This is like having a separate hard drive for your brain!
This idea creation is serious business my friends why not do it right as it could be the key to changing your future!
On the next training we are going to talk about getting a compelling vision for this idea! Remember clarity is power to focus and what gets your focus becomes reality!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and

Works with OneNote, reMarkable, Goodnotes, Zoomnotes and other E-paper and PDF annotation apps!
Hey Guys!
This is the planner I spoke of in the video. I have search high and low to find a planner that would be a hybrid between digital and paper!
I found it and use it myself for all of my planning, goal setting and much more!
I highly recommend this and personally use it with my iPad, computer and phone in sync together! I fervently believe in writing notes but I also believe you can’t always have a notebook in your pocket, but now you can!
Branden truly created a masterpiece with this one and I am pleased to say that I believe everyone should use this planner as it is the best I have found!
Please use my link to order as I am an affiliate of Key2Success and as such I do earn a small commission from them if you purchase. Before you order please remember two things, first I would highly recommend this planner even if I were not an affiliate and second as you always know I only recommend what I feel is the best for you in your journey of success!
Click here to order yours today!
PS I recommend having them do the initial install for you as it is a major time saver!
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The above links are based on my recommendations to bring you the best possible products in my opinion.
I am an affiliate of each of these companies which means that I do receive a small commision when you purchase from them with my links. So please remember to use my links through the site of you order anything as this helps to support the show!
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