Just Say Yes

If I only just had a few minutes for me!

What if……You did?

Welcome back my friends!

Have you ever said, If I only just had a few minutes for myself I could be so much more productive?

 I get it in today’s world we have so many demands on our time, attention and focus that it feels like we do not have a spare minute for ourselves let alone an hour!

What if I shared something with you that would help with this?

Let’s jump in!

In the video I gave you the example of the car that you have that gets you where you need to go….As long as you put fuel in it and maintain it!

What if you stopped putting fuel in it or failed to maintain the parts?

It would stop running of course!

The same thing will happen to you if you let all the demands of the world come before your own need to refuel or recharge!

No you may already be saying there is no time! Wrong there is always time to take care of you first.  If you don’t you WILL burn out and stop running or stop running well just like in the car story!

You must schedule some time for you!

How do you do this Coach?  Glad you asked!

Fueling yourself so you have the ability to give!

How do you do this?

Make sure you have a clear list of the things each week that serve you!

Schedule these things the same way you do the musts in your life

Create new ways to say yes to things that help you grow, recharge you and make you feel good!

Say yes to others request that are only truly important and don’t totally drain you. In other words do not take on OPD (Other people’s drama)

What are some ways I could recharge Coach?

Again glad you asked!

Get a message or other body work that helps you relax and stimulates proper nerve flow!

Meditate for as little as 5 minutes a day! This is not woo woo rather a quit time that consists of three elements. Stillness, quiet and positive focus! Prayer can be just as nourishing too!

Go for a walk, run or other exercise.

Eat of very clean energizing meal

Learn music, a new skill, a new hobby or anything that brings you joy!


Anything you find relaxing that nourishes you own happiness!!

Remember the key is to schedule these in to your week at strategic times, for example the times that you tend to feel exhausted or overwhelmed!

Have you ever been working on something and been totally overwhelmed and you walked away to clear your head and came back and it was a breeze to solve?  This is exactly what I am talking about!

Next time we are going to cover a fun one….The art of saying no!!!

My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round!  Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get! 

With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!

Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!

-Coach Lew 

Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com

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I appreciate you all and please remember to share the show and with anyone you think could benefit! 

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