Transform Your Story Transform YOUR Life
What if……it all came down to your story?
Welcome back my friends!
How does your current story serve you?
When you think of the story of why you are where you are right now, does it inspire you, disappoint you or worse yet you feel it is just ok?
If you are inspired then you are on the right track. This means your story is one that empowers you!
If you are disappointed or frustrated this means your story must change but the good news is you can harness the pain to drive you to a new story!
It is when you are in a state of “just ok” that is the most dangerous because you are comfortable. Comfort lets you rest on your laurels and there is no excitement to move you forward and not enough pain to make you take action! This is no man’s land, the place that leads to regrets!
Often times your stories are not your own, you may have picked them up from:
- Parents. Children model and mimic the words and actions of their parents. The parents shape the personality and beliefs of a child the most as it is what the child hears and sees in the most formative years. Don’t let anyone tell you how you speak or live your life doesn’t imprint on your children! The are not capable of understanding and developing their own personality and decisions until they mature.
- Peers. Children pick up habits, ways of speaking and belief systems from their peers at a young age.
- Leaders. Coaches, teachers, pastors etc all shape the belief systems and stories children tell themselves.
When they mature is when they can begin to question the stories that have been installed. Whether you can shed the negative stories and design your own positive is based on learning to recognize the stories that serve and the ones that hold you back!
It is when YOU decide to take charge of YOUR story that you are truly free from the misguided belief systems that may have been installed at a young age or even at older ages where we can tend to analyze “what went wrong” as opposed to “what did we learn” as we experience life.
Let’s take a dive in to the steps to transform your story!
How do you transform your story?
- Look at your old story and ask how has this served me in the past? What is actually good about this? (the lesson)
- What have I lost out on by having this old story? What will happen going forward if I keep it? (feel the pain)
- What new story would empower me?
- What would I need to believe to have this new story?
- Who will I have to become to fulfill this new story?
- What are my action steps to create my new story?
You know how this works…..Now do it!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and
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