All you need is love...
Is it?
It has been a lovely week of love!
On Friday you get two distinctly different attitudes from people.
One person is fulfilled, happy and looking forward to enjoying their weekend while the other is burned out, tired and maybe just ready to get drunk!
What is the difference? There may be several factors but most of the time it will boil down to love and fulfillment in their lives. The one who loves what they do and are fulfilled by it tend to get energized from their lives while those who lack that tend to become exhausted and burned out.
So one to love is all we need..What does this mean?
When you love what you do it no longer feels difficult to work on.
When you have someone you love to share with it becomes an exciting journey rather than a lone challenge.
You will always do more for someone you love than you will for yourself.
Love can be the greatest motivation generator in the world! Like I talked about how my love for my daughter Lexi drove me to upgrade homes being a prime example love driving you forward.
In the story about Bandit what do you think we can learn from that?
I think it shows that anyone (except a total sociopath) and anything responds to love and at some level is capable of loving.
God or however you call your creator would have to have immense amounts of love to do all that creating, never abandon us, put up with our BS and still love us unconditionally!
Lesson here is love truly is the basis for happiness, growth and contribution.
The tool to creating more love is this:
- Every day ask yourself how can I show someone more love today even if it is just a tiny gesture.
- Love is not a transaction of give and take and it does not always come back from where it is given.
- Want to feel love? Give it! This is the greatest secret around love is that when you give love you already feel love and that means you do not have to depend on an external source.
In closing today I want to remind you that this series was not to be all kumbaya and ignore reality rather a way to get the movement going to sharing more love, being more compassionate and making a difference where you can. A little love goes a long way and has a ripple effect where hate is like a slow painful toxin!
Go get your love on and I will see you next week!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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