Love Love
How much love?
Welcome back to the Wednesday edition of Breakthrough With Coach Lew!
You know I am going to ask the question..Did you do your homework?
What did you learn? Was it easier to give love to those you already love? Did you send love out towards someone you wouldn’t have and were you surprised by the results?
If you didn’t get busy!
Today we are going to discover the different kinds of love!
Yes there are different kinds. The obvious is how you love your spouse as opposed to the way you love your kids or your dog! I know silly example but so true!
If you are a man can you love more than one female, of course you can! Imagine saying to your mom, your daughter, your friend “I can’t love you because I am married now” or visa versa for the ladies! Now this doesn’t mean go have affairs or the such.
This is why there are different kinds of love and you don’t have to limit how many people you love, just love accordingly!
Even with your kids, the love them all equal is BS! You may have a more protective love over one, a more proud love over the other and so on! You may love your time with your son at a sporting event, your daughter at a dance recital and your other daughter at the range! Yes you love your kids unconditionally but there are even different forms and levels here.
Here are a few different types of love:
- Unconditional love like for your children
- Intimate love as in your person relationship.
- Family love as with parents, aunts, uncles etc.
- Intellectual love as in a great friend who you absolutely love but that is not an intimate love
- Love for humanity as in all children, all people of your faith, people in your peer group and generally all living humans
- Spiritual love for God or however you call your creator
- Love for all living things
Hate is the enemy of all love. You may not like everyone nor am I crazy enough to believe that you should. Some people are just toxic to each other or share no values in common but if you can learn to do the level 5 love and find something to love about anyone you will release that and that is a great state to be in.
I want you to leave you with a tool today that may help you!
Step 1) When you are engaging anyone always ask yourself how could a create more love for them? As we said before there are different kinds of love and levels so don’t go crazy and like try to kiss your buddy at the football game, a simple pat on the shoulder may be best LOL but certain don’t go home tonight and give your spouse a pat on the back and think that is really going create a feeling of love!
Step 2) Always remember that we all have plenty of love to give others and that people are capable of loving more than one person at a time so when you begin to feel jealousy and slighted by someone’s love for another quickly ask yourself what does this really mean? Also reverse the role and ask if you would want them to be jealous of the same?
Example your best friend happens to be of the opposite sex but you love your spouse and would never do anything to hurt that relationship. You would not want your spouse getting angry and trying to destroy the friendship, right? What if the shoe is on the other foot and they have a dear friend and you feel jealous or slighted? Something to think about!
With that said if there is something going on or the friendship is destructive or toxic you need to work that out with your spouse or it will destroy your relationship!
I really believe today should open up some hearts, communicates and certainly an understanding of the fact that yes we can love many people and there are certainly many different forms of love. One fact is love always wins over hate!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
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