The seventh need
What if……the 6 human needs falls just a little short? Well that is because we finally have uncovered the 7th need!
Welcome back my friends!
Let’s take a quick review.
Week one we learned about Certainty and how it can be a solid foundation or a prison!
Week two we learned about Uncertainty and how it can paralyze you with fear or energize you with excitement
Week three we talked about Significance and how it can lead to bad via ego or how it is absolutely a necessity for survival as we all must know we matter in some way.
Week four we learned about love! Without love and connect we can not survive. Remember we talk about the way you can always feel love is to give love?
Week five we spoke about growth. Remember the analogy of a car going forward or rolling back because there is really no neutral as we are either progressing or dying! Remember the acronym ABLE? Always Be Learning Everything!
Week six we spoke about contribution and giving. When you give your brain automatically makes you feel like you are abundant.
What is missing? The six human needs (originally coined by Tony Robbins) contains the four primal needs to live and the two to thrive, what else is there Coach Lew?
Well let me tell you something that I discovered through my journey of personal growth and growing as a coach, there is a seventh need!
This seventh need is the need for balance.
This does not mean all 6 human needs are precisely balanced at every given moment! What it does mean is that they are not so far out of whack that you can’t function or even survive!
Like parents told us a s kids “you can survive on love alone” in other words you and your high school crush can be in love all you want but some day you are going to have to work and pay the bills and eat etc. Same thing with money is not the end all to be all, you need it and I highly recommend success but not if it costs you everything else important to you or you have to hurt others to have more of it.
There will never be a “perfect” balance of the 6 human needs that is exact nor should there be. Different areas have different meaning and focus for all of us. You need to find the right balance for you BUT you will find you do need all 6 in the long run!
When you find the right balance for you your life will feel complete and you will be happy!
I trust the past few weeks have set your life in a whole new direction and sometimes this can get overwhelming!
Please reach out to me for some one on one coaching to help you chart this unchartered territory!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and
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Monday 7AM
Breakthrough With Lew

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- Show details: Breakthrough whatever is stopping you in life! Learn the cutting edge tools for success! Start your week off right!
Tuesday 7:30PM
Healthy & Wealthy With Lew

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- Show details: Get healthier and wealthier with simple tools everyone can use! Tune in and get ready for good change!
Thursday 7AM
Small Biz Talk With Lew

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- Show details: Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur or ready to take your career to the next level, get ready to launch!
Thursday 7:30PM
Coach Lew After Dark

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- Show details: CLAD is an open forum Q&A discussion where freedom of speech is encouraged! One rule is be respectful to all!
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