The One Thing That Can Change It All!
What if……
Welcome back my friends!
What if there was just one thing that could turn it all around for you? That magic weight loss pill, that magic Internet money machine, that perfect dating app, that way to learn language while you sleep app, that way to get fit without going to the gym, and so on, and so forth?
Seriously if there were that one thing that could turn it all around for you would you take a little time to make it happen?
What if the difference between success and failure lies in one thing?
What if I told you this were possible that just one simple, action, distinction, or decision could change everything?
You may say coach, you are crazy or you may say, bring it on baby!
I think it would be safe to say we are all in in search of that magical“ one thing”, yes?
The real question becomes do you already know deep in your heart what that one thing is?
Most people actually do have an idea of what that one thing is, although it is often very vague, and stated as a should rather than a must. As we discussed last month, you must get attention you must get done and you should are just a pile of…… should!
I would like to preface today’s training by saying there may be many “one thing “in your life, in different areas of your life, at different stages of your life, and at different levels.
The one thing I will assure you there is “ one thing“ in each area of improvement in your life.
The cool thing about the one thing rule is that the one thing can be;
- Your why you want something
- Your what it is that you want
- Process of getting what you want
- The state of being the one thing will give you
- Yet a combination of all four is best!
The more needs or more desires, that this one thing fulfills the more likely, you are to adapt it into your goal setting, your lifestyle, and your daily practices.
To be clear, the one thing can actually be many things throughout life, but there is generally just one thing that will drive each area of growth in your life. This declutters the feelings of overwhelm especially when you don’t even know where to begin!
When you hone down to a singular focus, it removes distraction from the attainment of your goals.
Your focus on how to obtain those goals. Also, once again is a weapon against procrastination, procrastination often times is formed out of overwhelm, so you tend to want to do nothing because a singular action, or does not even seem to have an effect on the feeling of overwhelmed.
Can you think of an area right now in your life that one shift one distinction, new skill, or a block of time dedicated to work on that area would greatly benefit your results?
Today, I’m going to ask you to reflect for a moment and write that down. What is that one thing that you know you should do, you have not done or are not currently doing nor has your attention or focus currently?
Ask yourself quickly do you have a powerful why you would do or implement this one thing to help you achieve your goal or outcome?
If not ask yourself is this important and if the answer is yes, ask yourself several times. Why is this important?
Then ask yourself if I already achieve the outcome or goal how would I feel? What area of my life would be greatly improved? Who else would be affected in a positive way? I ask again what is my compelling why to do learn and implement this one thing?
For today I want to make sure that you have determined that one thing that will make the big difference and your compelling why you want that difference and why that one thing is the key to it. On the next breakthrough with Lew, we will discover how to find exactly what that Y is and refine it to match your One Thing.
On Wednesday we are going to dig deep into this and by the way, I have a little special bonus for you on Wednesday too because it will be Valentine’s Day!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and
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