Where is my one thing?
You need to start seeing 80/20 to find it!
Welcome back my Friends!
On Monday I left you with some homework!
Did you do it? Did you discover that one thing or at least start to search for that one that that will really make the difference?
I don’t expect you to have it clearly defined or at all yet! Today is the day you will discover to find that one thing!
Have you ever began to go after a goal or outcome and you feel all pumped up and ready to take on the challenge? Of course you have, we all have!
What happens next is crucial though. Did you take immediate action or….. Did you end up in overwhelm because you made a to do list that spans form here to Mars?
This is where the one thing is so crucial!
Hold on Coach! Any goal or outcome almost always has multiple parts and steps! You say it all the time there is no set it and forget it nor one and done! While that is true, there is a certain law of productivity that states that 20% of the activities produce 80% of the results!
That one thing is the biggest chunk of that 20%. When you find the one thing that is:
- The one that gets you moving in the first place
- The only that gives you the majority of the results
- The one that fulfills your powerful Y
- The one thing that is sustainable and you can live the “one thing”
Once you find that “one thing” you now are armed to take the massive actions needed to succeed! The key is the one thing is the underlying fire that starts and keeps the momentum!
Boom! That is really it in a nutshell!
This becomes you magic bullet for everything in life. Not that one thing but the ability to seek out the one thing!
Seems easy? Truthfully it is when you exercise this skill. I said it! This is not really a think rather a skill of finding the thing!
Like I said before it is not the only “thing” that needs to be done to achieve but it is the basis of the whole plan and the basis of the will to keep going when stuff gets tuff!
This is very enlightening, simple to use and very effective.
There is one more secret though to making this work.
You ready for it? Awesome! Tune in Friday and I will reveal that secret to you!
Until Friday really work on defining your one thing and your why! Be ready because Friday you get the last link to really make this work at a much smoother and accurate level!
One more thing….Today is Valentines Day! Why is this relevant to Breakthrough With Lew?
It is a reminder that everyone and everything responds to LOVE!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
Founder XLR8Life University and CoachLew.com
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