Who's Gonna Save You?
Good Question…Who is gonna save you? Are you ready for the truth?
Who is gonna save you?
Do you ever feel like the world is in trouble?
Do you feel like you are struggling to get through the day or worse yet paralyzed by fear?
FEAR of what?? Fear that no one is coming to save you! That fear is probably the only true fear that you should focus on! The news is overloading you with fear and panic! If it is not covid then its is riots or maybe global warming or the latest one just this week…A shortage of tampons!
Seriously what I am talking about today is the danger of consuming all of the overwhelming amount of radical news that is designed only to scare you and paralyze you!
When a hurricane is coming to Florida, they cover it for a week out like it is going to “eat the state” when at that point they have no idea if or where it will hit. People close their businesses, schools close, people stockpile gas and supplies AND then go figure the storm either diminishes, goes somewhere else or hits and everyone finds out it didn’t level the state! What was the outcome? Panic, fear, radical behavior only to find out Florida is still here and has not been wiped off the map!
You see the news is not designed to inform you rather shock you! Good news doesn’t sell, tragedy does!
So why am I going so hard at the media today? Because it is the root of many evils right now! The media has you believing that racism is at an all time high. Do you and your neighbor that is of a different culture really dislike each other based on that criterion? I would imagine the answer is no!
What about the war? Do you really think it is what is being shown on the news?
And then there is covid! Yes, it is a virus, yes you can get sick and no it is not most likely you will die from it with a whopping 99+% survival rate. Still though the are people living in fear very day as though it where a virus with a 50/50 chance of death while we see smoke shops popping up everywhere that sell products that are proven to kill you and the news is not broadcasting daily how many people are dying from tobacco, vape and alcohol related death! Why is that? It doesn’t cause panic and fear and frankly does not sell!
So, at this point we can agree that there is pure pandemonium on earth right now, correct? No matter what your personal, religious, and political beliefs we can recognize there are some real problems right now BUT can we also agree there is a lot of media coverage that is doing nothing but stirring problems and creating fear?
So who is coming to save you? Is it the president, a new president, the police, the neighbors, who???
No one is coming to save you other than God himself from the deluge of negative media, social pressure and absolute paralysis from fear!
Again, I will ask…who is going to save you? YOU ARE!
What does this mean?
- 1) It is not what is happening but what you perceive is happening that is real to you! What you perceive is your reality! Have you ever noticed two people can witness or experience the same situation and have two totally different stories of how it went down?
- 2) You are in control of your emotions and reactions! Do you overreact to a situation, or do you find out what is really happening before you take appropriate action? Did you ever notice that two people can handle the same situation where one gets furious and the other remains calm?
- 3) No matter what happens in life when you apply the law of nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it, that is the point where you are saving yourself! When you assign the meaning is the point where you are truly in control.
- 4) Taking responsibility for YOUR own thoughts, actions, reactions, and the responsibility for your own self is the time when you become free of the chains that hold so many back today!
With all that said, are you paralyzed by fear, waiting to see what happens before you take the next step or even given up on a prosperous and happy future?
If so, you will never take the next step, grow, become more or truly succeed nor will you be truly fulfilled! Why you ask? The answer is the key to being fulfilled is GROWTH!
When we are fearful, panicked or resigned we are shrinking and losing basically going backwards!
When we are growing (even if it is scary) we are become stronger and will be fulfilled!
In closing today, I will ask you a question…
At the end of your life do you want to look back and have a list of I wish I woulda’s or become the person that took on challenges, took responsibility and created a life that was worth living and inspires others?
Who are you really, what do you want to become and how do you really want to feel?
Reach for it, step up and go for it, and by all means STOP blaming others for what you do or don’t have! No one is coming to save you BUT you certain can not only save yourself but become a masterpiece in the process!
Ready for the journey but not sure how? Reach out to me and let’s get some coaching started to clarify and get your action on!
Make sure to go to our blog for all the previous shows and training as well as there are tools in here to help you become the best version of you possible!
Remember you can not reach your best at anything until you have your best health and energy! Make sure to check out HEALS the course to find out how to make your top priority H1!
Own it, live it, be it, do it and most of all love it!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew